Weighing myself a little to often?



  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    btw, for guys we hop in front of the mirror and check our biceps and abs...3-5 times a day ha ha ha
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband does this!!! So funny!!!

    I am a scale monster too!! I usually weigh every morning and that's it but some days I weigh several times per day. It keeps me focused and on track. I suppose as long as you understand that weight flucuates throughout the day and week and it doesn't derail you then do what works best for you:))
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I do that some days... I can't help it, I want so badly to see results and when I don't it only motivates me more (even if it's just water weight it keeps me from eating that extra fruit snack...)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I weigh myself once a day, after I use the restroom, before I eat anything. As far as I'm concerned, with eating during the day, going to the bathroom and sweating, anything else is just going to cause craziness. After sleep, at least in my eyes, there has been bodily stasis for awhile.

    Anywho, you need to do what works for you. And as long as you don't get upset by the ups and downs of weighing multiple times a day, why not?


    Only I do it naked lol.

    Seriously though...sometimes if I am in the restroom for whatever (shower after work) and naked, I'll step on the scale again. VERY rarely am I lighter than the morning, but as was said above, if I am, I know the next morning is going to be a good one.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I weigh myself once a day, after I use the restroom, before I eat anything. As far as I'm concerned, with eating during the day, going to the bathroom and sweating, anything else is just going to cause craziness. After sleep, at least in my eyes, there has been bodily stasis for awhile.

    Anywho, you need to do what works for you. And as long as you don't get upset by the ups and downs of weighing multiple times a day, why not?


    Only I do it naked lol.

    Seriously though...sometimes if I am in the restroom for whatever (shower after work) and naked, I'll step on the scale again. VERY rarely am I lighter than the morning, but as was said above, if I am, I know the next morning is going to be a good one.

    Yep. .. Once in the morning naked. . . That's it. . otherwise you will just drive yourself nuts. .. .
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    Hehe, these comments made me smile....... we are all the same, i to can't help weighing myself, and yes i look forward to getting up in the morning, going to the loo then weighing myself naked every day, i try to stop but can't help it...... it is like an addiction i say to myself " no i wont do it this morning..... then think oh well i will" But if it is higher than the day before it spoils my day and i think why oh why did i do it, but if it is lower i am on a high all day. what are we like?
  • kirsty0911
    kirsty0911 Posts: 54 Member
    I was like this. Literally every time I went to the bathroom I would weigh myself naked. However I started to get really depressed and affected by my weight fluctuations. Even though I knew in my head that the 2 or 3 (or maybe 4) lbs gained in a day was probably water and the weight of my food I couldnt help but feel disheartened.
    I really try my best now to only weigh in on Sunday mornings and that is the weight i log on MFP.
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    Thanks for all the responses to my post!!! I now know that I am not alone in this. It's funny, but I literally weighed myself 3 times before I left for work this morning. I don't have a digital scale so I have to stand there for a minute or two to make sure that I get an accurate reading. Now I know that I am not the only semi-obsessed person out there. ^o^