New girl on the block

ccak2004 Posts: 6
edited 3:42PM in Introduce Yourself
Hi, My name is Carolyn. I have hit a brick wall in my life and need to lose weight badly! It is affecting my health and my well being. I am glad to find a site that is like weight watchers but I don't have to pay and sit at those uncomfortable meetings! I have jotted a few things down in my blog if you care to read about how I have come to be this way! I look forward to making new friends and helping with being there whenever you need someone to talk to. Take care everyone and hope to hear from you real soon!:happy:


  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    welcome, we are all here for the same reason, you can do this , feel free to add me
  • HI!
    Welcome and thanks for sharing your blog with me. I am new to this site and trying to find a place I will keep coming back to. I failed at so many other sites and weight loss plans. I have tried them all. I swear this will be the one!!
    sending you a friends request.
  • Marazene
    Marazene Posts: 97
    Welcome!! MFP is a awesome site!!!!!

    Feel free to add me if you wish.

  • hi girl , my name is celia and i wish you the best of luck ive been doing zumba its fun you should try it you would love it!!!! i also need to lose some wieght its only been 1 week wish me luck i already lost 5 pds:happy:
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    welcome to the site, i'm sure you'll love it here. Feel free to add me
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