Not sure where to post this...

jen_marie_1976 Posts: 41
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
When do you start to see a change in yourself when losing weight? I have lost 15 pounds and i cant tell at all. you would think 15 pounds i would be able to notice a small change....just wondering !!! any input would really help.....


  • I want to know the same thing! I've lost 18 and I can't see it and so for no one around me has noticed or said anything...but...I do feel a little better and can breath a little better...for me that's a good start!
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I had 70 lbs to lose when I started MFP back in January. It seemed like forever before I saw any noticeable change. Maybe at about 20-25 lbs. But I really think it all depends upon the person. The best way for me was to use measurements. Sometimes the measuring tape is more of my friend than the scale. :smile:
  • My family said i look the same..which makes me feel i havnt lost anything..maybe my scale is put my son on it and he still weights 30 pounds, and i put my puppy on it and she still weights 5 then i think it is working clothes still fit the same...very aggravting to me !!!
  • BeeOlive
    BeeOlive Posts: 13 Member
    I lost 15 and I feel the same. My clothes are looser and my face is a little less puffy.
  • Hard to say. For me, it was when people started telling me my clothes looked big on me and asked me if I was losing weight. I had been heavy for so long that I didn't see or feel any difference until after I lost about 30 pounds. But in my opinion, it was more of a self image issue than anything else. My clothes were loose and I was in denial about it cause I was so afraid I'd put the weight back on, so it took me a while to even start buying smaller clothes. See how your clothes fit. If they're looser, maybe try buying an outfit that's a size smaller. Once I realized that the weight was staying off, I started giving away all of my bigger's an added incentive to keep on track and not slip into old habits.
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    I think it depends on how much or little you have to lose. When you have a lot of weight to lose you don't notice as quickly, if you only have about 20-30 lbs total to lose you would likely notice a 10 lb loss.

    I know personally I never noticed a difference.. then suddenly one day I noticed. Just keep doing what you're doing and one day you'll wake up and notice a change :)
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    When do you start to see a change in yourself when losing weight? I have lost 15 pounds and i cant tell at all. you would think 15 pounds i would be able to notice a small change....just wondering !!! any input would really help.....

    I hear yah loud and clear sister!! I've lost about 11 pounds, and NOTHING. I mean, I would say use a measuring tape. Someone above me mentioned this, and she's right. It's not noticeable that I've lost 2 inches, but hey, at least the measuring tape isn't lying, right? :P
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It's different depending on how much you have to lose. Don't get discouraged. Take your time. Lose the healthy way and you'll keep it off forever.
  • kelley4123
    kelley4123 Posts: 100 Member
    I have lost 20 pounds, no one has noticed, I don't feel any different and my clothes feel the same! VERY frustrating!
  • scante60
    scante60 Posts: 106 Member
    I've lost 15 lbs so far, and the one place I've really noticed it is in my butt - pants and shorts are getting way baggy back there! It might also explain why I haven't had many people notice yet - it's all in the behind! (That, and I spend most of my day in a figure-flattering [NOT!] labcoat. :bigsmile:)
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    I think with a gradual loss, our nearest and dearest are so used to seeing us that a stone (14lbs) or so will not really be noticeable. I think clothes do "feel" the same - but really, we forget quite quickly that those same clothes were a little (or a lot) snug before we started to lose the weight, so when your usual trousers fasten up and don't drop off, our minds don't believe there is a difference. Just stick with it - you are doing this whole MFP thing for YOU and YOU will start to notice small changes!! Try to remember how long you have lived with the old you!! The new you is going to be worth the wait!! :flowerforyou:
  • mikeroplay
    mikeroplay Posts: 15
    I know exactly what you mean, I have lost 18 pounds and only notice a little thinner cheeks, nobody else has noticed that I have lost weight either, I is a little discouraging, but I say as long as the scale keeps going down, eventually it has to be noticeable.
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