The 5 Day Raw Food Challenge!

Happy Monday MFP!!

So I am setting up this quick challenge just for fun and a nice healthy detoxifying start to my MFP journey.

The challenge is to eat natural raw foods for 5 days (although I think we can allow cooked veggies).

Just add a little post to let me know you are in and then copy and paste this to the post :

Day 1 - ***lbs
Day 5 - ***lbs
Total loss **lbs

Just update on friday and i'll post the winner on saturday morning!!


  • sunshinemonkey
    Day 1 - 164lbs
    Day 5 - ***lbs
    Total loss **lbs
  • capoeirista
    How are you doing on this? I've been on Raw food for 18days now and have lost 20lbs. It really have not been a problem at all and I have a ton of energy.
  • dmw907
    dmw907 Posts: 14
    I have been eating raw and juicing fresh fruit and vegetables for about 4 weeks and I have lost 25. I cut out coffee and soda too and I feel great. I am going to keep it up another month and a half and hopefully get down to my goal weight (22 lbs to to!!!)

    HW 182
    CW 157
    GW 135