SBF, Reboot Boogaloo, July 11th

yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
Morning Pebbles.

My foot is slowly getting better, thanks for asking. As a teacher of group exercise, I think the zumba instructor was trying to do her best. She's probably never been hurt/ill before. Some people really respond to that method, though I'm not one of them. I think she should still be made aware of that her comments weren't appropriate - but it is hard to please everyone, and some people want that kind of thing. I'm not sure what the solution is.

Anyhoo, I'm teaching two classes today as well as going to a third. If I have time, I'll go for a short walk as well.

Yesterday, I went for a bike ride, and it felt great - as well as a yoga session at home. I'm doing well on the not snacking, especially before eating, so that's the continued goal for this week. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm about to eat, no need to eat before I eat.

No appetizers, boogaloo.


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I like that "no appetizers" Mary. And I'm glad your foot is doing a little better.

    I think I've come up with a plan to get caught up on the house and get ready for Miss I. It's a schedule I used to use and it worked, if I stuck with it. I will have certain things I clean everyday (like sweep, dishes, wipe down countertops and bathrooms etc). Then every Monday I will clean a particular room like bathrooms and get deeper in my cleaning. Then Tuesdays I will clean, say the bedrooms, and clean deeper in those rooms each time I go through them. And so on for each day. I'll pick a different room and spend some time on it, even if it's just an extra fifteen minutes of deep cleaning. My pastor's wife said to just pick one day a week and clean the whole house, then just do minor things the rest of the week. I tried that. It didn't work. I'm a slow poke. :laugh: So I will try this. It will give me a to do list each day that I can check off, which will help me stay focused.
    My other goals this week: log food, and do C25K three times, walk on the other days or do some serious cleaning around the house for a good burn. I want to get back to upper body work outs but that may have to wait till next week. I need to see how far I will get on house cleaning this week so I have an extra 30 minutes to work out each day.
    I'd better get busy. I got a good start this morning and the longer I sit, the more I lose mojo. I am also considering not getting on the thread until after I finish my stuff, but I don't know if I will.

    I have a plan boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yeah, Mary, I've been thinking that's just her style or whatever but I was just not in the mood. I've been in a real place of "exercise to feel better, not worse." and it felt really toxic. It's just especially hard when my inner dialogue is already fighting to not be self critical. I'm trying to remember/consider that it's just her way, and she wasn't trying to be mean/insensitive. I will talk to the studio owner about it, and try to be constructive in my criticism, not cranky.

    But today is a new day. Since I slept through dance class, I'm aiming for either a walk or an elliptical session later today. After two work sessions, which have to start pretty quick here. :tongue: Other than that, eat real food and drink lots of water. I've pretty much quit coffee (it seemed to be aggravating the nausea side effect of the medicine) and switched to tea in the morning. This is semi-amazing to me, since I love coffee.

    I'm glad the foot is feeling better.:happy: That would mean it's not a stress fracture? Right?

    New day, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Is this an open group?
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Is this an open group?

    Yes, jump in. We've been together a while, but you're welcome to introduce yourself. We post everyday and talk about daily/weekly goals, mostly fitness/food related, but lifestyle stuff, too.

    :flowerforyou: <----friendly flower.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Thank you. :flowerforyou:

    My name is Olivia, I'm almost 22, married and currently a homemaker. I'm a little shy but I will try to fit into the group. :smile:

    Right now my main goals are to be positive and accept each day as it comes, victories and disappointments alike. I've peaked in these threads a few times before and you seem like a a great group.

    My goals today are to get back on top of housework after a difficult weekend and to get as good of a workout in as I am able without beating myself up if I can't complete the whole thing.

    So...positive attitude, boogaloo? Is that how it works? :smile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Welcome Olivia, you got the idea!

    V- I know, I know. It's like me with the breath work - I'm already trying, please do not tell me to try harder. :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Welcome Olivia! I'm working on house work too!

    Is it just me or is it kind of like a breath of fresh air when I new person stops in? Not that the regulars smell bad by any means. :laugh: Maybe just a little sweaty. :wink:

    I have gotten quite a bit done today, but not as much as I had on my mental list. I have about an hour or so left so I'll try to finish up my list. I found a necklace that I got at college graduation 10 years ago (:noway: ) that I haven't seen in a few years! So deep cleaning is working! Ran 6.0 on the treadmill, so another accomplishment! And I got the last of my blood work done (I hope!) and paid off the bill which took all the money we were going to use to fix a car and/or get my hormone test done. :ohwell: Trying not to be upset about that.

    Fresh air boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    6 mph is great, MM!

    V, your right, I think I just bruised my foot - I don't think a stress fracture would heal this quickly.

    Today I'm teaching at 11:30. I can't decide what to do with the rest of the day. If I bike this morning, I will miss yoga class or vice versa. Right before I hurt my foot, I signed up for a month of yoga at one place - the kind of thing where you can go as much as you want for a set price - I only have two weeks left, so I want to go as much as I can - I think biking will still win though, I'll do yoga on my own this afternoon. Charlie also mentioned swimming this evening, so it will be like my own little triathlon.

    So many choices, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Go Mary on your triathlon! :wink:

    Quick post for a change. I will be gone a majority of the day so I don't know what I am going to get accomplished. I'm having lunch with my prayer group so I really need to work out but we may not get back till "late" and I need to get some more cleaning done.
    Goals: cleaning (starting on it in a few minutes), take Alex to ride the horse, meeting, lunch, and hopefully some good calorie burning cleaning or a work out of some sort. After being out in the heat I tend to get lazy so my hope is that I stay motivated throughout the day to clean/work out when I get home. I don't think we have any plans tonight so I will play my guitar for a bit and I need to practice my Russian children phrases! I'm rusty!

    Squeeze it in boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs, new and fresh and old and smelly alike.:wink:

    Speaking of old and smelly. . .where's CP? and for that matter, Bobby and Wanderin' and some of the other disappeareds?

    Today is work, followed by work, followed by more work (at least it's varied.) I am officially sort of freaking out. I'm asking around about CVs and getting jobs and I'm being told "it's all about publishing." I have one publication. One. Which, I'm pretty darn proud of. I've presented at many conferences, but I'm being told that's not where it's at. It's all about publishing. So, the plan of the day is to figure out where/how/when/what to publish. Ack. Also, I just finished sending my CV to my CV editor (oh, the times we live in) for her to have a second look at. I have a team of people working on me. The future is now.

    Other plans for the day: eating more of real food that is in the house, doing laundry in between work sessions, and drinking lots of water (or herbal iced tea as is my current thing.) It's a day off from working out. I think I hurt my neck in the 20 minutes of crazy zumba on Sunday. So, that's a bummer. But, I think a rest day will clear it up.

    Future is now.:noway: , boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Old and smelly, huh? :huh:

    Welcome Olivia! :flowerforyou:

    It has been a busy few weeks, I can't even remember the last time I posted. Trip to California, hubby's b-day, hanging out with friends and family over the 4th, dealing with an infected thumb, and then my parents coming to visit (with their brand new kitten) this last weekend. I finally got my MRI on Sunday, so I hope to hear something mid-week. Whew!

    Then, this week started out stressful because my older kitty (apparently) sprained her leg jumping down from someplace high - she was limping terribly and clearly in pain. Plus my parents were trying to get packed up right when it happened. Fortunately my bosses said I could work from home so I could keep an eye on her in case she needed to go to the vet, and she seems to be doing much better after a day of sleeping. :smile:

    Anyway, this week I have just a few goals:
    - no vending machine snacks at work
    - start doing my PT again

    Can you believe (those of you who've known me awhile) that it's been a year since I started my new job?!? :noway:

    Old and smelly, boogaloo. :wink:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Hello, sorry for not checking in earlier. Today was rough and I gave into my fatigue much more than I like. Didn't exercise either. I stayed within my calories though, and tomorrow will be better (plus, I can always just exercise on Thursday which is normally a rest day).

    I hope your kitty gets better!

    Rest day, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    V, were you able to make some headway in your publishing yesterday?

    Mary, did you get to do your "triathlon"?

    CP, good to see you as always! Hope your kitty cat is okay! Wow. You've been at your job for a year? That's crazy!

    Olivia, I hope you aren't feeling as tired today! Good job on staying in your calories!

    I bombed yesterday. Eating and exercise wise. Today is a new day though! I was gone until 3:30 yesterday and really felt like I needed to get cleaning done. I didn't get a whole lot accomplished but I did something and that's all that matters. I slept horrible last night (too much sugar in the evening I think), so I hope I have the energy to do what I want to do today. Goals: more cleaning (this will and should be on my goals for the next several weeks), C25K (probably week 1 the rest of this week), logging food (have not done this the last two days), spending some time with my son(a must), and spending time everyday reading (I have about ten books on loan from friends that I need to get through!). I never made time to make an actual to do list for everyday so I don't have a plan for Wednesdays yet. I'll figure that out over breakfast.

    Finding balance boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    So it's been a year? Doesn't seem like you've settled in yet.

    The mary triathlon went well, but I was so incredibly hungry this morning. We decided that next swim night is also pasta night. We mostly did treading water. I think I would be more comfortable putting my head into the water if I had goggles. I'm going to check to see if my parents have a pair lying around. I don't know what happened with the whole head under water thing. I need to get over it.

    Today is another 3 yoga classes (teach 2, take 1), plus PT, and maybe a tiny walk. It's a lot to fit into a day. How do people do this for a living (and teach 20 classes a week?) - I'm doing 8 classes this week and next - that's plenty to teach.

    plenty, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    :yawn: I slept through dance class this morning. this seems to be another lots of sleeping week. . .not sure why. Stress, maybe.

    Today is another work/apppointments day. I will try to get walking in, and some housecleaning. My trainer is coming over tomorrow (as yoga is cancelled) So, in order to let my body be strong tomorrow, I'm taking a light day today. Respect the body, which is difficult.

    I'm not sure how the publishing progress went. I sort of freaked out. My current plan is to continue with the plan of "keep working on the chapters, with the idea that each chapter is a self-contained, hopefully publish-able unit". I can only do what I can do. And that's enough. Even if it doesn't seem like enough right now. (due to freaking out/pressure.)

    Under pressure, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Good morning. :flowerforyou:

    I fell asleep quite early last night and slept in this morning. :ohwell: I think I'm stressing a little because I have a one month follow-up with my Neurologist on the 22nd to discuss whether my new medication is helping the fatigue. But I'm completely undecided at this stage. I've had some very bad days still, but there are other things I can attribute them to. Ah well, I guess I can't worry about that now! At the very least we could decide to rethink it after another month?

    My goals today are: STILL trying to get back on top of housework. Uhg. It's depressing when cleaning goes from keeping the place nice to actually making it not look messy. I'm also going to be stricter with myself, follow my to-do list, and get some kind of exercise in even if I can't do the full hour of step aerobics I'd like to do.

    One day at a time, the best I can do, boogaloo. (Oh, an accidental rhyme. :laugh: )
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Olivia, how long have you been taking your new meds? I know it's different but when my doc changed up my thyroid meds it's took at the very least four weeks before I started seeing some improvement and 6 weeks before I mostly balanced out. I am still not 100% but I think I have something else going on too. Hormones or something. So if it's been less than a month then you might need to wait longer. Vivia and I both deal with fatigue on some level so ask questions and maybe we can help. :flowerforyou:

    I've been logging today and I got my C25K run in, as well as some strength training. I haven't gotten much cleaning done but I've wanted to read a book today instead. I'm going to put out Alex's little pool and let him play while I sit out and read my book.
    I'm beginning to think I might have an egg intolerance. Well, I've suspected an allergy for awhile. I'm not sure I'm ready to tackle taking eggs out of my diet yet though. But right after I had one at lunch I got a headache and tummy problems and then I got really sleepy. But who knows? It could have been anything. :laugh:

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks all, my kitty seems to be doing better! I worry about her. :blushing:

    Yeah, it totally snuck up on me that it had been a year already. They gave me a jacket with the company logo and a little doohickey for my keychain. <shrug> Believe it or not, I do think I'm in a better situation, despite the workload. (Example - my boss stopped by this morning and said, "hey, I haven't seen you up walking around as much this week. you have to take care of yourself!" My old boss would just give me a blank stare or make weird unfunny jokes.) I still feel bad about my one friend who's still at the old place, though - it's definitely been a tough year for him.

    Anyway, I am trying to gently re-evaluate myself, and find just a couple of things to focus on to improve. This is really hard for me, because whenever I let myself consider anything that is wrong or I need to work on, I immediately think of every possible thing that is wrong and I should be working on. So, I am forcing myself to try and make teeny tiny goals and have it be OK. Like Livi said - one day at a time, the best I can do. :smile:

    That being said: I logged my food today, went on a walk at lunch, avoided the vending machine, and am about to do my PT. **AND THAT'S IT.**

    Tiny goals, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Ever notice when you decide to try something new, diet or exercise, you expect immediate results? After just a few days of not eating before eating, I got on the scale. Nothing new :laugh: I notice this in yoga all the time. I'll do some crazy hard pose that's taken me years or even I'll go far in a regular pose and people will respond "I can't do that, I can't do yoga". People would never expect the same result from soccer - to go out on the field and score a goal. So anyway, I have to remind myself that change happens slowly.

    The book I'm reading right now "The Book Thief" (which is very good, and so far, not depressing) is set in Nazi Germany. It's about a German family trying to get by. They have pea soup every night for dinner - let me repeat - every night for dinner. And I'm complaining about my diet plan. Perspective, I will learn it.

    Today: take yoga class and walk. Yeah!

    Change is slow, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs,
    I only managed to get in a short walk yesterday.
    Also, confession time: I ate ice cream for dinner. So, no more ice cream for a week. Even though I'm in a place of not judging myself, it was an emotional eating moment, and I don't like that so much. I'm frustrated with the work right now, so I ate ice cream for dinner. Such is my twisted logic. New day, reboot. I revisited my beginning of the year goal yesterday: "be kind and do good work". I'm trying to focus on those two things, and just move forward as best I can, in the present moment with what I have.

    My trainer is coming over in a bit, so that's good. She can help me do weights safely, and I can teach a lesson, which always helpsmme to feel competent. Then I have my advisor meeting. My other goal is to get a work session in between. If the weather isn't too hot, I will try to walk to my meeting.

    And, that's enough.

    The best I can do, boogaloo :flowerforyou: (I love that one, livi:wink: )

    Mary, I'm glad to hear the foot is feeling better. CP, I'm glad to hear kitty is doing better.