Anyone using the new app?

So far it seems great, though it doesn't recognise some barcodes. My question was, looking at the pie charts, is anyone making tweaks to their diet based on them, I was surprised that my fat content was as high as it was but I guess that lb for lb of what I eat it isn't but of course its the fat that has all the calories.
I know that MFP has a recommended proportion of fat/ carbs/ protein on the graphs, just wondered what anyone else was aiming for.


  • ydeleon
    ydeleon Posts: 81
    I've been using MFP for a few months, but have not really been paying attention to the macro nutrients. I just make sure that I eat clean foods. The few times that I've looked at the macros, I've noticed I've gone over on the protein. I'm not sure how "bad" that is, if at all. I've been meaning to google it, but haven't had the time. :ohwell: