Birth Control Advice?



  • Prestonsmumma
    Prestonsmumma Posts: 117 Member
    ive been on yasmin for about a year and havent noticed any weight gain but i did try other before and had awful side effects... i would talk to your dr and see what they recommend for you. and try not to let what you here on those law suit commercials scare you or affect your decision my dr say their bs and i honestly dont believe a dr would put me or anyone else on something that they thought would hurt them.

    I too have been on yasmin for years and have never suffered from weight gain!! the only weight gain i got was from having kids!! lol but again see what the dr recommends for u!!
  • lhanks89
    lhanks89 Posts: 90 Member
    I used to be on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo which is a birth control pil, and although I didn't gain weight, I found it harder to lose because I lost all drive/motivation. I just felt like blah most of the time, and it totally KILLED my sex drive.

    I am now on the Nuva Ring which I just recently started, and I haven't noticed any changes/differences with losing weight/my hormones yet.

    My friend who is on the Depo shot raves about it, although she recently gained a lot of weight (she said it was because of her break-up). But I've noticed that despite her working out, the pounds don't seem to be going anywhere...
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I was on a tricyclic pill for many years and never had any problems with it, nor any weight gain. Then I switched to Loestrin 10, and didn't get any periods (it's not designed to halt them, so I had to go off this pill). No weight gain with that one either.

    All of the oral contraceptives are so low-dose these days that they rarely affect weight, although a lot of women do still report more fullness in their breasts (half to full cupsize). However, since they are SO low-dose these days, you have to be very careful to take them at the same exact time each day or risk lapse of protection and spotting. You had more leeway when the doses were higher.

    I've never tried to get pregnant, so can't speak to how they affect ability to conceive after being discontinued.
  • allison_joan
    allison_joan Posts: 115
    I'm on the Depo shot. I've heard some horror stories but I LOVE it! I only have my period every 3 months when I need to go and get the next shot, I don't have to remember to take the pill everyday at the same time, it hasn't caused any weight gain or any other physical or mental problems.

    I used to be on Yaz and Loestrin 24. Yaz constantly made me have spotting and Loestrin 24 didn't have any bad side effects but I just wasn't good at remembering to take the pill. I already have a 19 month old at 21 so I didn't want to forget to be taking the pill which is why I switched to Depo!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm on Loestrin 24 FE and that is honestly the best decision I could have made! I haven't gained any weight from it.. It was more from poor eating habits and being a college kid. I do get a bit of moodiness with it still around TOM, but the cramps, heavy bleeding, fatigue and nausea have all had their *kitten* kicked, and I can continue to exercise like I normally would.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I am on the pill, I gained weight but it was from not exercising and eating too much food. :) I have been on for 3 1/2 years i am losing weight while taking it.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Everyone's body is different. You will have to go through trial and error to see what works best for you with the least symptoms. I tried several when I got married, and they made me very depressed all month long, then felt great when I got my period. I finally went on Ortho Tri Cyclen, which worked well for me all around. Then they made me switch to generic, and it was a horror show. I'm not sure why, but am told by my pharmacist friends, that sometimes the additives in those generics cause things to be released/absorbed differently in your body. So just talk openly with your doctor and tell her your concerns, why you want the pill and work on a best first try. It takes about 3 months for your body to fully adjust, so you might need to suffer through some side effects that will ultimately go away. Hopefully!

    Good luck with it and congratulations on your engagement!
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and have not gained weight. As you can tell from my ticker, I've lost it! I actually liked Yaz better, but was sort of forced to go off it by my mother who was concerned by all the horror stories she was hearing. With the Ortho, I spot a lot more and my period is never predictable. With Yaz, It would always come right on time. I'd never have any surprises. Now I'll get it a week early or I'll start spotting for days before my actual period comes. It's obnoxious, but my periods are a lot lighter on the Ortho as opposed to Yaz. Best of luck with whatever you choose :)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I've had some pretty severe issues with hormonal BC. Severe depression and fatigue caused by the BC which led to weight gain. So no, the pill itself did not cause weight gain, but the underlying side effects did. My personality also did a 180 with the hormones. I became very short with people and was generally NOT a nice person to be around. And the kicker were the migraines with aura. Had never had such severe migraines.

    I've tried a variety of brands, doses, mixtures of hormones with no success. After the migraines grew in severity, I talked with my doctor and she pulled the scrip.

    I'm probably a rarity, though. A lot of my friends take it with no issues.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I got implanon (the arm implant thing) in January, the same month I joined MFP and it hasn't slowed me down at all. My Dr. told me that it wiuldbt cause weight gain or an increase in appetite even, and she was right. The downside (for me, although I hear this is rare) was that I stopped having a TOM, which sounds great except that instead I just went to spotting every day for several months, and the heaviness varied every day. Just my experience though. Then I had to be put on the pill for a month in addition to the implant, which made me crazy-hormonal, but helped with my cycle couple months. Now I'm getting a two week light TOM and then two weeks without.