weigh in tomorrow

So I've got to wiegh in tomorrow and I just know i have gained wieght :( i have been overeating this whole week !! Its been so convienient for me to just pick up some fast food instead of eating healthy... I need help i know this is all my own fault for being so lazy and not applying myself but I cant seem to get myself back on track... sooooo frustrating


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I've gotten alot better about it, but when I accidentally overate I'd notice it the next day, as I tend to weight in everyday to correct any mistakes I make immediately I would perhaps try increase my water intake, or go for longer at gym. If you have issues with hunger pains and giving in to them, I'd try eating gum more. Might help.

    Heck, the other day I thought I was doing good. Had a Gyro Salad, thought the calories were good ( couldn't figure it out exactly ) and the next morning I had somehow gained 2 lbs. I was like WTF? It was basically some kinda sour dressing, feta cheese, lettuce and lots of lamb. Must've been the lamb.

    Oh well, thing'sll get better. Just gotta stick with it and determine if it's good for ya before you eat it.
  • alex063287
    alex063287 Posts: 61 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I haven't lost weight in about 2 months and it's very frustrating! I think the hardest time to lose weight is the summer but I haven't done this around the winter months yet. Just don't give up and keep trying. Pick up some healthy choice, smart ones or lean cuisine from the store. They are easy to make and low in calories. They can be high in carbs and sodium but drink lots of water. Find work outs that you could enjoy. If you love to dance check out Zumba, I love it. I hope this help and the biggest advice is to not give up. If you put your mind to this and stick to your daily calorie intake and exercise then you will lose the weight!
  • bunchofobriens
    bunchofobriens Posts: 3 Member
    Have you ever considered meal replacement shakes? It's so easy! You replace 2 meals a day with shakes and you have a sensible dinner. For snacks you grab a piece of fruit or something 100-150 calories a couple times a day. The shakes, combined with MFP has been a winning combination for me and my husband. I don't have a lot of weight to lose at all, but this system is very quickly helping me lose those stubborn last 10 pounds. My husband LOVES food and had 60 pounds to lose. He's lost 12 of those pounds in the last 3 weeks and is loving the shakes! If you're interested in hearing more, message me. I can't say enough good about them!