Blog/Article that lead me to MFP

this is where it all started for me ... i thought this was a great article by an average person that had a lot of succes losing weight counting calories. :smile:

How I Lost 25 Pounds in One Month

In my post, Never Let Yourself Go, Part II – Your Body, I promised that I would give you the details of my diet from about 10 years ago that led to my losing 25 pounds in one month. So here they are.

When I discovered that I was, in fact, overweight, I, for the first time in my adult life, found myself in completely unfamiliar territory. I had always been terribly thin and never had to diet. I felt I did not have the skills or knowledge necessary to pull this off since I had never done it before – diet, that is. Then I realized that my mother, God Bless her, had been on a diet for as long as I could remember and, well, it didn’t seem that she really knew what she was doing either. I mean, if someone is always on a diet, there would seem to be some kind of disconnect there somewhere, right? So I knew that I didn’t want to do whatever she was doing.