Extreme Anyone?

I thought of doing P90x but then I remembered I had Chalean Extreme collecting dust so I figured why not do that first. Tony kinda scares me a bit. LOL I've seen a lot of women say they loved the program and there were lots of great results so I'm putting Tony and that crazy *kitten* Shaun T on the shelf for now and getting extreme with the chicas. Anyone else in?


  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Well, it wasn't that bad. I feel pretty good actually. I am not sure I did everything exactly right (she moves kinda fast for me with some things) but as it goes on I'll get better I'm sure. Question though...what are you suppose to do on rest days???
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I try to run at least for 20 minutes. But key word try some times I dont do anything :frown:
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks bzmom, I just did something for like 15 min and called it a day.

    So the second day of Chalean is done. I think I need to really get some heavier weights. The heaviest I have is 8lbs...I think I could go up to about 15lbs. I feel good. A little bummed that I only burned like 300 cals but that's basically my breakfast so it's all good. I have to keep in mind that my muscles are changing and they will make me compact :laugh: and while I can burn 700 by elliptical or running or Insanity, I can't really get quite that high with strength training...and that's ok. Gotta get away from the numbers both cals and scale.

    Anywho, tomorrow is Burn Intervals and Ab Burner....mmmmm should be interesting.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    3rd day down. Today was rough mentally but I got through it and I actually feel awesome. Loved the Ab Burner workout.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm doing Chalean Extreme although I'm loosely following the calendar. I think it's fun!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Hi Fever, I'm learning to love it too. I feel so much better when I'm done.

    So today is day 5--I wasn't counting the rest day but I think I should. Anywho...I feel really really good. Monday was a bit of a challenge because I just didn't want to work out, but the more I do it the better I feel. I do need to get some heavier weights though. Right now I have 2, 5, and 8lbs. I guess I need to add a 10, 15, and 20 to the mix.