Low-Carb Myths and Truths



  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Wow, apparently I've lost 40 pounds of water! I wonder how much more water I can lose...

    Me too, this is a big ole crock, I want peer reviewed papers LOL that one was for you Untz.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    I agree with you, dleithaus. Although, I would prefer doing a diet which will evolve to my daily routine for the rest of my life.
    I am on a low carb diet now because it is suggested by doctors for PCOS and insulin resistance. You don't have to go all the way eating only 20g of carbs / day as in Atkins (induction phase), doctors say that reducing a 40% of our carb intake should have a positive effect as well. It also, as you said, gives me a feeling of satiety which is priceless since I'm a bit of an overeater.

    To daisymae9801;
    Unlimited access to bacon cheeseburgers is tempting, but a low-carb diet that's essentially an all-you-can-eat saturated-fat buffet may increase your risk of heart attack and stroke
    ... No low carb diet suggests eating all you want. Unfortunately it is in the small letters at the end of the page where they say, "don't pig out on meat", not to mention that saturated fat is completely out.

    I know that Atkins has been advertised as an all you can eat diet that excludes carbs. None is true; you are encouraged to eat protein, but you should cook it healthy, not to mention be wary of the caloric content. And of course, what seems as carb banishment is not the case, as every week you keep adding grams until you reach a point where you keep losing and feel comfortable.

    I know. I've done Atkins.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for your post, Daisymae. Just wish people wouldn't be so defensive and /or condescending. I don't really think it was deserved here.

    Thank you!

    I'm surprised just because I posted this that everyone's assuming I'm anti-low carb. Just the opposite. I'm pro whatever works for you. I've done Atkins, and although I lost weight I eventually ended up binging on carbs. Don't assume that just because someone posts information that they're trying to start an anti-low carb/pro-low carb argument :)
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Everyday someone on here has to put have a go at lower carb eaters. If you do not like the idea, don't do it! SIMPLE!

    If everyone who keeps arguing this point spent as much time working out, then we would all be fit as fiddles!

    Lower carb eaters are not just meat eaters, they eat vegetables, nuts etc too.


    If you do not believe in low carb then fine but do not preach to people.

    I'm not preaching. WOW

    And I'm officially done posting to MFP boards because it seems like some people jump down your throat no matter what you post.
  • SouthPark11
    SouthPark11 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with you on that, there is too much animosity around here. Seems people are always on guard for some reason.. In my post I only wanted to state my point of view and didn't want to insult you in anyway. It's so weird though, I used to be in a forum where people with eating disorders were talking to each other (imagine obese and anorexics in a room) and all posts were civilised. I might go back there come to think of it.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    I agree with you on that, there is too much animosity around here. Seems people are always on guard for some reason.. In my post I only wanted to state my point of view and didn't want to insult you in anyway. It's so weird though, I used to be in a forum where people with eating disorders were talking to each other (imagine obese and anorexics in a room) and all posts were civilised. I might go back there come to think of it.

    Agreed. I mean, if you want to attack the article then go ahead, but don't attack me for posting it. (Not you (: ) But I'm not even against low carb and just because I posted an article doesn't mean I necessarily believe what it's saying. I was just putitng up information that is out there.

    People can just be kind of mean sometimes.
  • vnvdvci
    vnvdvci Posts: 16
    I think low carb is a very successful way of eating, but most people who manage to keep at it generally do it because otherwise they'll become extremely ill (diabetics). It's not an unhealthy way to eat though. People assume you can't eat veggies or anything like that...but really you can. Eating natural low carb helps single out the "pretend" healthy foods (Like granola. It does crap for you nutritionally compared to just eating whole grains without sugar).

    The diets where you can't eat over 20 carbs a day aren't meant to be permanent--the diet says that specifically.

    I can't follow a low carb diet since it triggers binges (even though for others it stops them....strange huh), but I try to keep it under 150 carbs a day, more around 110-140 including fiber. That way I can still eat traditionally for me (what's an Asian girl without her rice?!). Still less than the 240 I'm recommended by mfp, and it gives more room for fats. :) Nommy free-range bacon!
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    and it never crosses anyone's mind that maybe eliminating grains, sugars and whatnot actually improves someone's quality of life. It's more than just weightloss. I don't like how someone can state that a low carb way of eating isn't sustainable. Well eating the SAD isn't sustainable for me, if I'm in chronic pain from RA. I don't need meds when I just simply eliminate the grains and sugars.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm pro-choice with most things, diets included.

    Why worry about what others are eating? I'm vegan and don't care if you eat meat and dairy, because that's your diet, not mine.

    I just don't get the bashing of other diets on here. I think that you should find what works for you, stick with it, love it, live it, and don't advertise it unless provoked.
  • dleithaus
    dleithaus Posts: 107 Member
    Study on "Eating Nuts Daily...."

    "In the research, published online by the journal Diabetes Care, a team of researchers led by Dr. David Jenkins (University of Toronto Department of Nutritional Sciences; St. Michael's Hospital Risk Factor Modification Centre) reports that consuming two ounces of nuts daily as a replacement for carbohydrates proved effective at glycemic and serum lipid control for people with Type 2 diabetes...."
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Before you leave Daisy, what kind of diet do you follow?
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    I agree with you on that, there is too much animosity around here. Seems people are always on guard for some reason.. In my post I only wanted to state my point of view and didn't want to insult you in anyway. It's so weird though, I used to be in a forum where people with eating disorders were talking to each other (imagine obese and anorexics in a room) and all posts were civilised. I might go back there come to think of it.

    Agreed. I mean, if you want to attack the article then go ahead, but don't attack me for posting it. (Not you (: ) But I'm not even against low carb and just because I posted an article doesn't mean I necessarily believe what it's saying. I was just putitng up information that is out there.

    People can just be kind of mean sometimes.

    Then why in the world did you post it?? Of course people are going to think that is your stand unless you state otherwise. Don't post stuff on here and not expect people to respond with their opinions.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Wow, apparently I've lost 40 pounds of water! I wonder how much more water I can lose...

    ME too ..amazing that when I went on the Protein power plan 14 years ago . I went from size 22 - size 12 in less than 6 months , became lean and strong it was ALL water weight that I lost.. who knew..:huh:
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Before you leave Daisy, what kind of diet do you follow?

    I've tried a few things. I liked low carb but I found it restricting when I had to eat over with my boyfriend's family (which we do a lot) and didn't have nutritional info handy. It was surprising how many things had carbs in them. So now I just try to stick within my calorie range. I try to watch my carbs but I don't stress about it.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    The biggest problem with a low carb diet is just that.. it is a diet.
    It is not sustainable as a lifetime diet, nor was it ever recommended as such.. indeed long term extreme low carb diets are not good for you; they are for quick weight loss. If you lose weight quickly, not only has your body not learned what it needs to consume for longer term maintenance, but you have not learned anything about what you should be eating...course that is the problem with most "diets". Everyone knows that bacon cheeseburgers (even without the bun) is simply not what you should be consuming as regular food. MFP is not a diet, it is a way to learn all sorts of things about the fuels we consume and the portions that we should control.

    One thing you can learn from moderate restriction of carbohydrates is that, as you substitute fat and protein calories (not unrestricted! very important to count all fuel calories), you find you may be less hungry. Both protein and fat should provide longer lasting satiety, especially if you have been eating high on the GI/GL scale.

    Minor adjustments to the overall profiles with slightly less carbs and slightly more protein and fat, with calories in play, is sustainable over time, and can present a way to maintain proper weight over time.


    The above is a link to another forum for low carbers. There are many people on that forum who have been on a restricted carb "diet" for years with no health concerns. I am my healthiest when I am restricting my carb intake. My blood panels are at optimal levels. To say that, "The biggest problem with a low carb diet is just that.. it is a diet." Is ludicrious! All eating styles are "diets". Maybe you should look up the definition of the word. IT is a lifestyle change not unlike vegan/vegetarian.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    I agree with you on that, there is too much animosity around here. Seems people are always on guard for some reason.. In my post I only wanted to state my point of view and didn't want to insult you in anyway. It's so weird though, I used to be in a forum where people with eating disorders were talking to each other (imagine obese and anorexics in a room) and all posts were civilised. I might go back there come to think of it.

    Agreed. I mean, if you want to attack the article then go ahead, but don't attack me for posting it. (Not you (: ) But I'm not even against low carb and just because I posted an article doesn't mean I necessarily believe what it's saying. I was just putitng up information that is out there.

    People can just be kind of mean sometimes.

    Then why in the world did you post it?? Of course people are going to think that is your stand unless you state otherwise. Don't post stuff on here and not expect people to respond with their opinions.

    Post whatever you want about the article. But don't voice your opinions about ME specifically for posting it. Jeez. Such a warm and friendly site this is. Bye.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Wow, apparently I've lost 40 pounds of water! I wonder how much more water I can lose...

    ME too ..amazing that when I went on the Protein power plan 14 years ago . I went from size 22 - size 12 in less than 6 months , became lean and strong it was ALL water weight that I lost.. who knew..:huh:
    I have seen photos of folks who lost weight two different ways, they lost down from 200 to 150 on a low fat/cal restricted diet and then on a high fat/carb restricted diet.
    The side by side pictures told the story better then a scale or diary. The low cal photos showed lean but flabby bodies. The low,carb photos showed a smaller, leaner and tight bodies. Low carb is protein sparing (muscle mass is intact) therefore losing higher percentage of body fat and less muscle mass, while low fat loses an equal percentage of lean to fat body mass.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I'm not sure why "low carb" is controversial, but I accept there is some misunderstanding about it. People at the yoga studio asked how I lost so much weight and I just tell them I eliminated the "bad carbs" and now just get my carbs from vegetables and some fruit.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Wow, apparently I've lost 40 pounds of water! I wonder how much more water I can lose...

    Me too! I didn't know my body was comprised of so much water! LOL
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    Wow, apparently I've lost 40 pounds of water! I wonder how much more water I can lose...

    ME too ..amazing that when I went on the Protein power plan 14 years ago . I went from size 22 - size 12 in less than 6 months , became lean and strong it was ALL water weight that I lost.. who knew..:huh:
    I have seen photos of folks who lost weight two different ways, they lost down from 200 to 150 on a low fat/cal restricted diet and then on a high fat/carb restricted diet.
    The side by side pictures told the story better then a scale or diary. The low cal photos showed lean but flabby bodies. The low,carb photos showed a smaller, leaner and tight bodies. Low carb is protein sparing (muscle mass is intact) therefore losing higher percentage of body fat and less muscle mass, while low fat loses an equal percentage of lean to fat body mass.

    Do you happen to remember where you saw those photos? I'd love the encouragement! I always worry about what going to happen to my skin once all my "water" weight is gone! I haven't had any problems with sagging skin yet (except on my tummy where I had my c-section), and amazingly my triple chin has turned into a double chin (NSV!!). I wonder if my body will start using my cellulite for fuel, once it's used up all my fat stores? That would be AWESEOME!