day 1 of Turbo Fire

So I did day 1 of Turbo Fire - prep plan. It was the 30 minute cardio one and the 10 minute stretch. I didn't think it was that bad. I guess I am in better shape than I thought. I can make it through a whole spinning class class without wanting to die. Any votes as to whether or not I should skip the prep plan and go right into the normal 20 week one? Suggestions?


  • kappy_hollowell
    Try skipping the prep plan. I did. I did TurboJam for about 2 years before they came out with TurboFire, so I guess the Jam got me into shape for the Fire.

    The Fire 30 is a fairly simple routine. It will burn tons of calories though. Once you get into the 45 min and 60 min videos, they get a little bit harder.

    Also, the HIIT workouts are TOUGH!!! You may want to try doing the beginners version before jumping into the advanced (i.e. follow Allie instead of Chalene). I had to do the beginners for a few times before I could get to squat jumps and full all out burpies etc. That stuff is rough! Let me know if you have any questions, I'll be glad to help!