Help with my Bucket List, Please!

Last week while on vacation I went parasailing. Now, that might not seem like a big deal, but I've wanted to go parasailing since I saw it for the first time about 10 years ago. I'd convinced myself that I would look ridiculous if I went while too overweight, so I never went. When I started this losing journey back in Feb, I knew I had a vacation coming up that would be the ideal spot to do it, so that was my goal prize for losing 60lbs. And I did it. And it was awesome!! :smokin:

So, I've just now decided that I need to create a bucket list. Or, start one at least - I think 32 is a little young to decide -everything- I want to experience, so I'll revisit it every other year or so to add things. I've actually already done quite a bit in my life, but the feeling of checking that off my list was exhilarating!

That said, the line is now open for suggestions. What would you recommend that I HAVE to do some time in my life?? I come from good genes, with most of the ladies of my family living into their mid-90s, so I'm going to need a load of ideas! ;)


  • Climb the Sydney harbour bridge? Run a marathon? Take a hot air balloon flight? Learn to Scuba dive? See the pyramids? Trek to macchu piccu? Learn a martial art? Learn another language? Play an instrument?

    Some of those are on mine, few I've done already. Love thinking of things to put on my bucket list :smile:

    Louise x
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Thanks, Louise - I will definitely be borrowing some of those!

    I already play 4 instruments, but the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the Pyramids, being comfortable conversationally in another language (I already know enough of two other languages to pick up written meaning, but conversations are hard!), and learning a martial art will go on the list. I even already bought a pass for 10 Muay Thai Kickboxing classes a few weeks back, so I'm on my way with that one. :)
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Bungee Jumping, Skydiving (mine for when I hit 100lbs lost), climb the mayan ruins in mexico, go hang gliding. . . .
  • African safari? Walk the great wall of china? Visit the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia? One of the best things I've ever done is go camping at Ayers Rock (Uluru) - seeing the sunset over ayers rock, then sleeping under the stars and then walking round the rock at sunrise - incredible!

    Lol, can you tell I'm broke nowadays and pining for travel?!

    Louise x
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    definitely go skydiving!!!
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Thanks for the input, all. After much consideration, my current list (in no particular order) is as follows:

    • Go skydiving
    • See the Egyptian Pyramids
    • Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge
    • Run a 5K (Scheduled for Sunday!)
    • Camp @ Ayers Rock
    • Learn a martial art
    • Own a successful business
    • Become comfortable in conversational French or Spanish
    • See the Vatican
    • Own a vacation property
    • Cross the English Channel
    • Sleep in a real castle
    • Learn to salsa dance
    • Visit Petra
    • Take a month off work
    • See active lava
    • Take a sommelier course
    • Get a tattoo
    • Participate regularly in a competitive sport
    • Travel the Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco to San Diego
    • See a turtle hatching/release
    • Volunteer in Africa
    • Visit the Galapagos
    • Walk across the equator
    • Travel in a sleeper train
    • Visit all the US states and Canadian provinces