Pro-Form tx-300?? i need help

Today i went for a walking/spinting exercise that lasted 40mins. i used the strap and watch. the heart rate was very precise but i set my Kcal mode to "user low" and it said i only burned 20 cals. then an hour later i set it to "user high" and stood there for 30 seconds and it said i burned 34 calories. none of this can be right especially when i compare it to my workout on the treadmill walking at 3 mph for 30mins (not near as hard a workout) it says i burn 250 cals. am i doing something wrong here because it seems to me the HRM is not using my age weight and hear rate that has been entered? any kind of help would be useful, thanks.


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I have this same one and it works great for me. The various settings are relevant to what you are doing. If you tell it that you are being very active, then it will be fairly accurate IF you are very active.

    I use it for weight training and running. If I forget to change it to weight train from running, it will be at least double what it should be. If I have it in the correct mode, it provides a number which is consistently 100-200 above what MFP says, which makes sense as MFP takes out your base burn.