Hi! My name is Victoria & I am an emotional eater.



    Welcome here Girl !I totaly understand... well maybe not entirely, but I do feel where your heart is... I had before also been one. I have a few things that I would love to share with you. Smile. !! I hope they help ... Take it with a grain of salt, or sugar... Ok, here goes. I think alot of people look for quick fixes and fast results... Sometimes they work, but usually the diet, exercise, and plan works for the duration of set expectations... You have the rest of your life to stay healthy, get healthier, and maintain it. People dont like to do stuff that makes them feel constricted in thier accustomed lifestyle, and implementing new habbits can make ones attitude about staying in rythum a little shortsighted. weather dieting or excercise or both... start off at a pace you can learn to enjoy. When I run, I dont want to think how fast or long will it take me... I enjoy the run... I just set one rule... I have to jog and not walk till I am to my destination. but I do it everyday. In time you will build up speed, and a different habbit and attitude. It will also grow in determination, bcuz your accustomizing your new what I call... Habbitudes ... You will begin thinking of yourself differently even. Take some ITUNES along with you, and start to create a new,"Your Time" in your excercise . If you still ate as much as you do now, but still worked out.. your still moving forward. It had always helped me to have someone with me, even if I dont talk to them while listening to my music. On the eating or dieting part. See if you can start off with making one rule... just drink water and gatorage. Cut out all the soda and sweetdrinks for the exception of one day a week. start there... you see, when you set little goals first, and then see that you can maintain it... it is much easier to then set other ones. I think you will start to see that your goals will change to the accustomed lifestyle your setting. Its really all mental. Set your mind to long term goals, and start off small... you will eventually get there. I was military, and fat when I got in. When I got out, I HATED running and excersize. I got fat again. When I realized, I had SOOOOOOO much time to enjoy life. I seen running and working out COMPLETELY different. Along with my eating. There is some adjustment. but doing it rapidly is more likely to create a disinterest in you for the long term. I wish you the VERY BEST !!!
    I just wanted to add one more thing... If you ever needed someone to bounce things off of... or needed some support/encouragement... Please feel free to add me as a friend too... I would like that !