New to MFP - Lost 40+, 30 to go :)

hello! I'm new to My Fitness Pal & would love to add some friends who are serious about losing weight. I've lost 48 pounds by using "Lose It" and I'm basically bored with it. I went on a few vacations, had a friend visit from out of town, etc. and fell off the wagon. I'm ready to jump back on and hit my goal of another 30 pounds before the end of 2011.

About me: I'm a Christian, married, mother of 2. I LOVE to cook!!! I eat 80% organic, have a square foot garden, sing & play the piano & a little guitar. I love working out at the gym, Zumba & Bike riding with my family. My favorite hobby is cooking... in case I hadn't mentioned that ;)

"...but with God all things are possible." -Matt. 19:26
