increase in calories

hello, could anyone advise me? i am a few pounds away from my target weight and am wondering how the best way to increase my calorie intake is i am currently consuming 1200 a day?? ........ i am scared to increase incase i put on the weight :-/ any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks x :smile:


  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    Up your intake by 50 calories per week until you are at maintenance. That will give you time to lose those last few pounds and also slowly get your body used to more calories. Once you get to your maintenance level, you might have to adjust to find the right amount of calories for your body.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Same as above but I'd suggest 100-200 calories a week.
  • crystalmichelle82
    I honestly cant say unless I know what type of workouts you are doing. But so far i like what the other responses are.
  • hughannah
    hughannah Posts: 18 Member
    considering i am 3 months in to diet some weeks i am still losing 6lbs per week, i am working out maybe 40 mins twice a week walk quite alot i only have 3 lbs to go and need to increase calories and hopefully maintain just in time. i am not to worried if i go beyond my target just dont want to go to far
  • george_park
    george_park Posts: 8 Member
    I used a few different calculators, using my current weight and activity level, and averaged them together to go from 1250 per day to 1610 (I'm 6' 250). I also spread the increase over a number of smaller snacks (or early meals) which has kept my metabolism humming along.

    In doing so I've started to lose weight again after plateauing for a while.
  • crystalmichelle82
    I would say do some more weight training if you can. I can recommend some programs but I dont know you well enough to advise on what you will like. Kickboxing is great too. But just the walking w/ the 2 - 40 minute workouts may not be enough to break those last few pounds. The last 5 pounds or so is usually the toughest and those require much more difficult workouts than for the rest of the weight.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Same as above but I'd suggest 100-200 calories a week.


    When I was still trying to lose, I plateaued for 3-4 weeks, finally upped my cals by 300 2 weeks in a row, and started eating around 2k a day, and IMMEDIATLY dropped another 8 lbs.
  • hughannah
    hughannah Posts: 18 Member
    thanks for all your advice :-) x