the best breakfast to start the day?

something i really struggle with is breakfast, stupid of me i think its a boring meal and skip it all the time.
which yes i know isnt good for me, so needing to get into the habbit of eating it whats the best start to the day? x


  • daryna13
    daryna13 Posts: 30
    For breakfast, I like making a smoothie with fruits and skim milk, maybe some yogurt with fruit and granola or an egg white and veggie omelet. Quick-make oatmeal with apple and cinnamon is nice also. Hope that helps! =)
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I love scrambled eggs and oatmeal. A piece of toast and pb with a banana works great too. Then somedays I make a protein shake with whey protein, frozen fruit an orange (peeled) and some water. Very filling and tasty!
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    something high in protein and low in fats and carbs is my personal preference

    1 whole egg + 2 eggwhites in an omelette with any veggies you like

    But I am usually in a rush and carbs are faster to get ready to eat, unfortunately thats what i end up eating most days =[
  • kiwicakes
    kiwicakes Posts: 65 Member
    I normally have nonfat greek yogurt with honey, fruits and nuts. Sometimes on top of that I will have a slice of whole grain bread and a hard boiled egg.
  • freddyrussell
    freddyrussell Posts: 15 Member
    I have found that boiled or scrambled eggs with toast is the best breakfast, and keeps me so full, that I only have a light lunch. Whilst if i ate cereal or a yoghurt for breakfast, I find myself constantly snacking throughout the morning and then have a heavy lunch!!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Eating breakfast slows down fat oxidation. That entire deal of "Breakfast is the most improtant meal of the day" was strated by breakfast companies. Here are the studies to support my claim.
  • RoseVernon
    RoseVernon Posts: 88
    I like to eat: eggs (scrambles or boiled), whole wheat toast, cottage cheese topped with Splenda and fruit, peanut butter toast topped with sliced bananas. When I run out of ideas I look online. Good luck!
  • foxygeri43
    foxygeri43 Posts: 1 Member
    porridge for me every time! i don't get bored with because i know it's gonna keep me going for a good few hours.helpful when you're busy at work!:wink:
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    I was bad over the weekend.. breakfast was a Luna bar and water lol. I'm not great about breakfast, but one of the better ones I do manage to do is a breakfast burrito:
    whole wheat wrap
    1 whole egg+1 egg white scrambled
    1/3 cup turkey sausage (I but the precooked crumbles so just have to microwave)
    and sprinkle of shredded cheese

    Other things I end up having:
    greek yogurt with low fat granola
    peanut butter toast

    I'm not a very good breakfast cooker.. unless it's special occasion and calorie laden and then I can make some FANTASTIC breakfast lol.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    My go to breakfast is greek yogurt. I also like eggs and turkey bacon, (I use one whole egg and two egg whites).
    Oatmeal, but I haven't eaten this since it's been warm
    I also make a breakfast sandwich with a whole wheat english muffin, and egg white, slice of turkey bacon and fat free american cheese, it comes to about 185 calories :)
  • lilybug13
    lilybug13 Posts: 154
    Cottage cheese used to really gross me out, but I tried it again recently and it really isn't so bad... The low fat kind has about 80 cal for 1/2 a cup and a good amount of protein. It makes a great, filling breakfast with a piece of fruit.
  • lisab1969
    lisab1969 Posts: 70 Member
    i love porridge. I'd never had it unti I started on here. I like the Oat So Simple range, and it comes in a variety of flavours. You can get it in all the supermarkets. Give it a go.
  • george_park
    george_park Posts: 8 Member
    Egg beaters with some sauteed fresh green peppers and sweet onions in a low cal/carb butter-like substance and some deli flats or thin bagels topped off with some cheese.

    Half a cup of egg beaters is very filling and super low in calories - most mornings my entire breakfast is around 320 calories and I'm totally filled up until lunch...
  • SeattleLady
    This is from my Crossfit Coach:

    1 thing that used to have a face or a soul... (Her words, not mine) meaning a meat product or eggs work. Basically Protein = P
    1 thing that is a healthy fat (Fats are catorgorized in these terms, a little "f" or big "F"...) Example: Alvacado (sp?), olive oil = f
    1 piece of fruit (Fruit is a Carb but are catorgorized as a small "c"; a Big "C" would be ice cream) Example: berries, 1/2 apple = c

    So for a BALANCED breakfast have P/f/c or 1/1/1 But try not to have cereal or grains or what have you. An example of a "normal/bad breakfast" is Kashi cereal with rice milk (my breakfast for that day when she taught us the above example).

    Cereal/Oatmeal/Breads/Grains etc... = C (Big Carb)
    Rice Milk, General Milk = C (Big Carb/ little p (protein))

    So BALANCE is the key. I like to think basic omelettes for breakfast. Use olive oil for your base/ healthy fat and eat some fruit. Or if you are on the go (which I usually am) I have some basic cold cuts of lean meat, 1/2 alvacado and 1/2 an apple.

    Good luck! Sorry, such a long response!
  • Goal4Good
    Goal4Good Posts: 115
    I have a fruit and yogurt smoothie every DAY. YOu can use any fruit you like but make sure you have a banana in it with about 2 oz of plain greek yogurt. Add strawberries, fresh pineapple, fresh peaches, orange, blueberries, whatever you like. Pour in some Lipton Diet Green Tea with Citrus and ice cubes and blend until the consistancy of a smoothie. Probably take about 6-8 ice cubes. It makes an entire blender full and that's a LOT. It usually ends up being about 200 calories for the whole blender. Then for a side, I put a slice of WW toast with a little bit of FF cream cheese and a little bit of PNB. The cream cheese is low cal so you get the creaminess but all you can taste is the PNB. That way you can use less PNB which is NOT low cal! Very VERY filling bkfast!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Breakfast for me is non fat Greek yogurt, fruit, and high fiber cereal.
  • SeattleLady
    Eating breakfast slows down fat oxidation. That entire deal of "Breakfast is the most improtant meal of the day" was strated by breakfast companies. Here are the studies to support my claim.

    Every body builder I know and am training with agree that breakfast starts your day out, your metabolism and your brain working. It is a balanced and healthy breakfast that you need, not sugery cereals, I agree. I would be careful telling people to not eat breakfast though.
  • Ajontheguitar
  • WWhitaker
    WWhitaker Posts: 309
    I typically have 2 eggs, 2 slices of whole wheat toast & less than 1 tbsp of butter (for the bread, of course) & something to drink. It could be water, juice, tea or coffee.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    "Eating breakfast helps you start off the day feeling full rather than hungry, according to Mayo Clinic nutritionist Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. After sleeping all night, your stomach is empty and your body is in a fasting state. Zeratsky states that if you skip breakfast, you "can increase your body's insulin response," which can cause weight gain. Eat a good, filling breakfast to replenish your body and keep your blood sugar steady"

    I eat 2 boiled eggs, 2 pieces of toast every day for breakfast. At times I will add a slice of low cal cheese to it in a sandwich. I find that if I start the day out with breakfast I tend to not be so hungry later on in the day. I try to eat the highest amount of calories for breakfast in comparison to other meals to have a longer time during the day to burn them off.