
stacieroxursox Posts: 21
edited 4:09PM in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. Im a 24 year old female living in southern california. I joined myfitnesspal a couple months ago and have been using it off and on. I have a bariatric surgery coming up in a month and a half so I have rededicated myself to tracking my diet and exercise.... So far so good.
Ive lost 30lbs since I began the 12 weeks of nutritional classes required before surgery. After I completed the classes I took about a month and half off from dieting due to some high stress situations and was struggling maintaining my weight loss. However I am now back on the horse and more motivated than ever to lose and keep losing weight.
I would love to hear from any other patients who have had or are thinking of having bariatric surgery. Would also love to hear from people who have lost 100+ pounds on their own. Good luck to you all. : )


  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Please don't take this as jumping on the bashing surgery bandwagon. But you definately should reconsider it until you have had a chance to talk to those on this site who have lost considerable amounts without it. Both my best friend and my mother have had this surgery and although it made a SMALL short-term difference, neither of them are at what would be considered a healthy weight and would still be classified as obese even 2 & 5 years after.

    If you don't make a drastic lifestyle change BEFORE the surgery, you definately won't do it after. You will most likely end up right back where you are now complaining about how the surgery "didn't work".

    Best of luck and I'm sorry if this came across as rude in anyway. This is just a subject I live with on a daily basis through those I love and I hate to see others in the same situation.

    Add me if you like.
  • I dont take it as being rude. I understand you have people around you who are having complications and that causes you to have concerns about the surgery. I, however, have gone through months of classes and I'm working out and dieting and losing weight before the surgery which displays a certain level of commitment that it seems some people don't have. Although I have heard of cases where people regain all or most of the weight they lost, the majority of people I've spoken with seem to have had positive results. In the end I believe you get out of it what you put into it, as with most other things. This is not a decision I jumped into. I have done all the research and made the majority of the reccomended pre-surgery changes so I'm hoping for positive results.
  • pinknsassyemt
    pinknsassyemt Posts: 68 Member
    :0) Welcome to those of us who choose to use the tool... I had to look at weight loss surgery like this. If there are ten inches of snow on the ground, and I can grab a shovel or get out the snow blower..which tool am I going to use? Reguardless I am going to get cold, and wet and full of snow, with the shovel I am going to have to go over my path over and over, and its going to be extremely physically wearing. If I get out the snowblower, its going to go much quicker, and be a far more precise job. I picked the Lap Band for myself, mind sharing which route your taking?? Good luck my dear, I am 1 month post up.. and anyone ANYONE who says you have taken the easy way out can kiss my patootie! This is hard, it isn't easy, it takes a lot of work and dedication, but sometimes we need that life altering change to make a change. I am proud of you!
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