Evening hunger

rajska Posts: 7 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
hi, I need an advice or support.
About 2 weeks ago I started the 1200kcal diet but because I exercise too and can see how much kcal I burn, I eat more than only 1200 (+/- 100more) - somehow I think it's fair although the whole idea is to eat only 1200 and burn some of it.... Anyway the whole thing is- I'm doing good all day long- drinking a lot, eating fruits and salads, snacking only healthy and low kcal goodies.. Then after work I come home all happy and proud I did so well and still have plenty kcal that I can spend on my dinner. After dinner I'm getting extremely hungry!! It's amazing I think only about food! Please help me and tell me what could I do/eat to be totally satisfied after my dinner. Is there anything I could maybe drink? No clue what to do.. I let myself eat thinking I'll start all over tomorrow :( today I had like 200 or 300 kcal too much. It's soooo annoying I'm angry at myself I can't stick to my plan! I can sometimes.. But some days are exactly like today. Hope I made clear what I wanted to say. Cheers!!


  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    I totally agree! evening is my weekness.
    Watermelon does the trick for me. Or peanut butter on a graham wafer.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I know it doesn't sound like much but try a handful of almonds
  • creeperlegume
    creeperlegume Posts: 171 Member
    When I have a nagging hunger and I'm out of calories for the day (or I'm trying to keep light on the cals during the day to make room for something else yummy later), I drink a cup of Yogi Blueberry Slim Life Green Tea. It's really delicious (I throw in a single Truvia or other Stevia packet), it's 0 calories, and it really does help me stay full.

    Hope this helps!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    hi, I need an advice or support.
    About 2 weeks ago I started the 1200kcal diet but because I exercise too and can see how much kcal I burn, I eat more than only 1200 (+/- 100more) - somehow I think it's fair although the whole idea is to eat only 1200 and burn some of it.... Anyway the whole thing is- I'm doing good all day long- drinking a lot, eating fruits and salads, snacking only healthy and low kcal goodies.. Then after work I come home all happy and proud I did so well and still have plenty kcal that I can spend on my dinner. After dinner I'm getting extremely hungry!! It's amazing I think only about food! Please help me and tell me what could I do/eat to be totally satisfied after my dinner. Is there anything I could maybe drink? No clue what to do.. I let myself eat thinking I'll start all over tomorrow :( today I had like 200 or 300 kcal too much. It's soooo annoying I'm angry at myself I can't stick to my plan! I can sometimes.. But some days are exactly like today. Hope I made clear what I wanted to say. Cheers!!

    I suspect you may have missed the point of how MFP works. The idea is not to stick to your 1200 cals regardless of how much you exercise, the idea is that when you exercise, your daily calorie allowance goes up - ie. exercise more, eat more.
    You are probably hungry because you aren't eating enough. 1200 is a really low calorie allowance and I suspect that most people don't need to drop this low to lose weight.

    There is no point have a "diet" plan that leaves you hungry and obsessing about food, you might drop a few kg but you won't be able to sustain if for long. If you set your weight loss goal to 1 or 1/2 pound a week you may well get a more realistic calorie allowance, even before exercise.
  • MColette
    MColette Posts: 62
    I have the same problem, I am the hungriest at evenings, what I do is, after having dinner, I drink lots of water, I brush my teeth and I take a shower. or I play dancy music, something to distract myself from thinking of food

    The teeth brushing is a tip I learned from another mom, who says, if you use strong flavored tooth paste, something with strong mint flavor, everything you try will taste horrible for a while at least heehee

    The shower is very relaxing, and the music for me makes me want to dance and forget about eating.

    Hope it helps
  • rajska
    rajska Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you soooooo much guys!!! I'm gonna try to use your methods - hope they will work with me too :)
    First of all I gave to teach myself to stop on 1200 even the exercises. hope I can do it ;) anyway - once again thank you!! please cross your fingers!! I wish you all good luck with your diets and plans! xx
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    id try and scrape 100 cals off lunch or breakfast, or 50 cals off both, then have your evening meal an hour later, and use the saved 100 cals for a cereal bar or banana late in the evening
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