Finishing My 1st month on MFP...Need a little help

HI everyone, my name is Melissa. I am 29 and working harder then I ever have to lose weight. I am down almost 30lbs and would love to lose between 20-30 more. I workout everyday and am trying to eat healthy. I stay within my calories everyday. I need something to motivate me to lose this last 20lbs!! Any suggestions would be great!! Is there any Weight loss challenges on here? I would love to hit my goal by October 14th...My 30th Birthday!!

Thanks for listening and for any Ideas :bigsmile:


  • vcreinert
    vcreinert Posts: 83
    You probably don't want to hear this...but the best motivation is self-motivation. You have to do it for yourself. If you don't you face gaining back as the external motivation is gone and you never had internal motivation. .
  • amhadlock
    amhadlock Posts: 9
    make a personal workout goal-something uve always wanted to be able to do, but never have been able running in a marathon or running 3 miles without stopping. having a goal like one of these will keep you motivated to push through a workout every single day!

    best of luck!
  • amandalovesyouu
    amandalovesyouu Posts: 10 Member
    Well 1st off congrats girl that much weightloss in one month YOU GO!!!!! Just think in the end it will alllll be worth it :} youre doing great!
  • IferLioy
    IferLioy Posts: 11 Member
    I havn't found any challanges on here yet.. but maybe we could start one! Do you like to bike ride? or Walk? or anything like that? We could get together and do something like that and think or like and end goal for each week. Like Miles or minutes....
  • Thanks for all youre help everyone!!:bigsmile: