Need input on strength training and cardio schedule

Okay, I just started Pilates tonight and made the mistake of doing lower body weight lifting before the start of class. I've only been exercising for five weeks now, so my muscles were shaking like a leaf through more than half the moves. As such, I need to change up my schedule so I can get in my upper and lower body weight lifting and cardio. I also want to give my muscles adequate rest and need some input. Here are my options (classes cannot move):

Monday-pilates class (whole body strength but man does my lower body and abs feel it most)
Tuesday-wii zumba
Wednesday-toning DVD of some kind (probably arm and ab focused)
Thursday-zumba class and possible lower body weight lifting.
Friday- light cardio of some kind
Saturday-zumba class and either upper body weights or full body if lower isn't done on Thursday

Ideally I'd like to strength train my entire body twice a week and I looove my zumba classes and DVD/game so I think it works well for cardio which I'd like to have in my schedule 3-4 days per week. I'd thought about adding 30 day shred as my hubby is interested induing. It, but I think that might be pushing me too much right now.

What do you guys think?


  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member


  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Hmmm, second time I've posted here in silence. Wonder if it's the post title or my confusing explanation.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    bump! (I can't help, but I'm interested in the responses)
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Um, I don't do any classes and mostly weight train, so can't really say much... but what I would say, is that it is recommended to allow muscles 48 hours to recover before working the same group. Strength training complemented with cardio and a clean diet are essential for losing fat and achieving a 'toned' look. I think 3-4 days a week of strength training plus 3 sessions of cardio a week is perfect, but it varies for everyone. I currently lift weights 5 days a week and usually do cardio after my weights session, or sometimes an extra cardio session in the morning.
    If you are doing all cardio with no weight/ resistance training you will lose weight, but it will be both fat and muscle. One full day of rest per week is good, muscles grow during the rest periods, and anyway, it's good to give your body a break.
    So... I would say try to do a full body workout 3 days a week in addition to the classes?
    Sorry I can't be more of a help :)
  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member



    Haha... that is funny :o) One of my all time favorites!

    I think you could do the 30 Day Shred on your Weds and Fridays since it does incorporate both cardio and strength exercises. It wouldn't be true to the program, but it gets you exercising with your hubby. If you want to do it everyday, you could give it a try, but just listen to your body. If it's too much, it's too much :o)

    That's my 2 cents.
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    First of all it's importatnt to do what you enjoy and I'm guessing that you particularly enjoy the classes, so I would go with something like this.

    Mon - Pilates Class
    Tues - Full Body Workout
    Wednesday - Walk / rest day
    Thursday - Zumba Class
    Friday - Full Body Workourt
    Saturday - Zumba Class
    Sunday - Rest

    A FB workout is basic compound moves, there's no point in isolation exercises at the moment. So you would do something like:
    Bench Press
    Bent over Row
    Military Press

    Because you haven't been exercising that long don't go overboard, you don't want to injure yourself.
    The above is only a suggestion, plenty of websites can give you suggestions for workouts the main thing is to enjoy what you do, then the rest will start to fall into place.

    Good luck
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    if you've got the time, i'd throw in the 30ds daily. i'm in training for a half marathon and was doing a 1hr strength training dvd twice a week, but i've decided it's just as easy to do the 30ds most days for 30 mins after i've done whatever else i'm doing.

    plus side is that i'm getting in all of my strength training, and on the days that i was doing an hour of before, it's only 30 mins now. down side is that i really don't get a rest day (i just dont shred on the day of my long run), and the other training days are half an hour longer!

    really it's about finding out what you can fit into your routine.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Such65 thanks for the schedule idea. Im looking for a way to make it doable and am still learning what that is. The personal trainer at the gym has me doing machines that isolate muscle groups, but there are several areas she didn't feel I was ready for yet (one of which is the bench press area). I am curious about these exercises. Is there'd a website that shows me proper technique in doing them? I would like to be efficient in strength training and give my history with back and neck issues, I do not want to do something wrong and aggrevate the work I've done over years of PT. Being in alignment again is great and now I want to make sure all of my muscles build strength to keep me that way and of course help burn as much of my excess fat as possible. I'm already noticing a difference in the amount I lift on the machines.

    As for the classes, I really enjoy them and for someone who hates exercise and loves to be lazy, that is a plus for me so I want to keep that love going. :)

    Bonjour24, I'm a little intimidated by the idea of the 30 day shred and just don't know yet if I can do it. It is on it's way here from Netflix so I can try it with him and see if its doable. Like with any prescribed workout program, I often wonder if fitting it in when it worksnfor me wouldstill show the benefitsmto make it work. I am also interested in chalean extreme and turbo fire, but for now need to learn good form before I drop the gym membership and do it all from home.

    Thanks everyone for your input so far. As a newbie to exercise, I want to make sure I do this safely and correctly.
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    You tube has plent of examples most of which have good form. Check a few out and you will soon see from the comments which are good and which aren't. MBody is also a good website and gives good ideas for exercises.

    The great thing about compound moves is that they use more muscles and therfore burn more calories than isolation exercises. Usually I would use free weights instead of machines too again because you get more "bang for your buck". T

    hat said given your medical history, it may be better to carry on as you are for now.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Haha... that is funny :o) One of my all time favorites!

    I think you could do the 30 Day Shred on your Weds and Fridays since it does incorporate both cardio and strength exercises. It wouldn't be true to the program, but it gets you exercising with your hubby. If you want to do it everyday, you could give it a try, but just listen to your body. If it's too much, it's too much :o)

    That's my 2 cents.

    Thanks! :laugh: I felt it more appropriate than just a simple bump at the time. I think I will try the shred with my hubby tomorrow and see what he thinks. This idea may be doable for me.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    You tube has plent of examples most of which have good form. Check a few out and you will soon see from the comments which are good and which aren't. MBody is also a good website and gives good ideas for exercises.

    The great thing about compound moves is that they use more muscles and therfore burn more calories than isolation exercises. Usually I would use free weights instead of machines too again because you get more "bang for your buck". T

    hat said given your medical history, it may be better to carry on as you are for now.

    Yeah, a few nasty car accidents and you gotta work to do the right thing. That being said, other than still building a curve in my neck, I'm cleared for all exercise. Given I haven't done any in over 10 years I'm seriously out of shape, so I'm building. As I said above, form is very important for me to learn correctly because I want to do all of these things, but I want safety first. I will check out those websites you suggested. I'm also rethinking my schedule to get it closer to your suggestion which seems very balanced.