please help! I am so confussed about sugar intake!

First off what is the maxiumum amount of sugar you are to have! When I eat my fruit like I am supossed to it sets me up way over my alouted sugar for the day! I have heard so much on 40/ of refined sugar 100g of natural sugar but its all counted as sugar! Lease help! Thanks


  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    In the end, sugar is sugar; whether you get it from fruit or not.

    Obviously, you're better off eating fruit than getting it refined because you get vitamins and antioxidants from fruits and the fiber makes the absorption into your body slower.

    In the end though it's still sugar.

    I personally try to keep mine under 50 (but I allow for a bit more when I exercise), though in general I wouldn't recommend going above 100g, with a large percentage of that coming from fruits and veggies.