Alli ? has anyone tried it with MFP

Lotus1980 Posts: 18 Member
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone used Alli in conjunction with My Fitness Pal?


  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Nope, crapping orange sludge puts me off it.
  • allyjuned
    allyjuned Posts: 3
    I have used it in the past with WW, and just started back on it again for a little extra boost a couple days ago.

    I know many people joke about the "treatment effects" (which is what they call it in the alli information pamphlet), but I honestly have not had any side effects unless I go WAY overboard and eat a whole large order of fries or something. In a way, it's extra motivation to NOT stray too far from your diet, but at the same time it makes me feel a little less guilt when I do stray a little from my diet guidelines, because I think of the 25% of fat not being metabolized. :)

    To be frank, the extent of the "treatment effects" I have experienced were just basically diarrhea-like symptoms (tummy rumble and the light cramping sensation accompanying it), and only when I really just threw all propriety and diet consciousness to the wind. I never experienced any of the "oily discharge," or uncontrollable bowels. alli did not ruin any of my pants or panties. This may be different for people with sensitive digestive systems, I have no way of knowing about that, but my anecdotal evidence demonstrates that the commonly held belief that alli turns your digestive system into an automatic weapon with a hair trigger is a little exaggerated.

    I look at it as the difference between losing 10 lbs in a month or 12.5 lbs. Without doing anything other than taking a pill with your meals, you can get rid of another couple pounds a month. Nice, right?

    Just remember to see it for what it is, a tool for weight management. It's not a magical fat eliminator, and it is not an evil poo disruptor. As with most things, if you research it and use it as directed you will find that you are able to minimize any unpleasant surprises and maximize the nice ones. :)

    Good Luck!
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Wow, I've considered it in the past, and after this description, I'll pass. I know we all want to get to our goal weight as quickly as possible, but honestly, isn't getting there as healthy as possible the true goal?
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    What is Alli?
  • Ssocrrbabe
    Ssocrrbabe Posts: 51
    Just tought you may want to know that the FDA has sent an early warning about Alli and Orlistat. It may cause liver damage. Just becuase the FDA approves something doesn't mean it is always completely safe. Just so you are aware.
    See FDA article below
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Wow, I've considered it in the past, and after this description, I'll pass. I know we all want to get to our goal weight as quickly as possible, but honestly, isn't getting there as healthy as possible the true goal?

    I agree with this. Learn to change your lifestyle by eating well and staying active. Then you don't risk packing the pounds back on when you stop taking the diet aids.
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    I haven't tried it with MFP, but I did use it a while ago. I didn't have any of the "treatment effects" either. But I found myself eating things I knew I shouldn't have because I was using the Alli. It gave me a "security blanket" to eat the fatty or oily foods because if I took Alli it supposedly helped me. I will be honest with you. I didn't see any real benefit from taking it. When I went off of it I found myself more consious (sp?) of what I was eating and I was losing more without it.
  • allyjuned
    allyjuned Posts: 3
    Tylenol, one of the most commonly used OTC drugs in the US also causes liver damage. Still, most people wouldn't shy away from taking them as directed when it would help with a headache.
  • Mybetterme
    Mybetterme Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with allyjune. I have not had horrible side effects sometimes I use it but just with dinner my more high fat and calorie meal breakfast and lunch are low fat and cal usually so I dont take it all day that cuts down side effects and hopefully liver damage. I am going back to it because I need a slight edge it keeps me from eating too much fat because if I do Im too scared to find out what will happen.
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