Help Please I'm new

Hi I have been using the MFP app on my Iphone and only recently discovered that there is an actaul website! I had a look today (obviously) but I am so confused, everything is so different to the app. I have been trying to find friends to add and update my profile with those sticker things but I just cant seem to do it. Any help woul be great! Thanks


  • Fitness_Kitty
    Hey! I joined two days ago - you can add me if you want to =) haha
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    You can add friends under the community tab. Making a ticker is under the tools tab.
  • Curtiss1
    Curtiss1 Posts: 3
    I would be glad to support you if you wanna add me...
  • Suzex
    Suzex Posts: 28 Member
    Not sure what the app on the iphone is like but the best advice i can give it just treat it as if you'd never used it before and try navigate your way round, on the left you should have all your bits like track food, track exercise, if you click on them it should be fairly self explanatory, if there is anything specific you want to know ask and i may be able to help but only having been a member for 8 days myself i'm still learning too, hope this helps a little
  • hotpinkfluffystuff
    Thanks everyone, I will try playing around and see what happens : )