38 years old & Osteoarthritis in Knee

I've had knee problems for years (5 surgeries) & was recently just diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis (OA) in my left knee. The kneecap is not repairable and today I'll get my first of 5 Synvisc injections. If this fails, I'm looking at a knee replacement.

All the info I can find on OA is geared for seniors, I feel like I need an AARP card. There is nothing for 30-40 somethings out there.

I'm curious if there are any 30-40 year olds who have gotten this diagnosis & how you've dealt with it. Also, what exercises have you found best for your knee? Right now everything hurts (even sitting at my desk), but I'm hoping the Synvisc gives me some relief. I've found the elliptical to be one of the easiest things for my knee, I suspect it's the limited ROM it requires, where as biking is hard on it.

I'm thankful I was in a good place with exercise/diet prior to the diagnosis, as I continue to try to exercise despite the pain. Had I not had the good habits in place, I think I'd resign myself to just sitting down and eating the pain away.

Thanks in advance!


  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    I don't have any answers other than prayer. I also have it, but in my fingers and possibly hips. Since I started the treadmill in Dec., the hips have not been nearly as bad. I question the left knee also at times, so if you find out any answers I would love to know. I am 44 by the way. My fingers started getting bumps when I was 41 or so, so I understand how you feel about being too young for it. I think it influenced my desire to get active-I felt old at an early age!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am 32 and was diagnosed 4 years ago. I have OA in my Right knee. I haven't tried the injections because my insurance wont pay for them, but I have talked to people who have. They say it is really nice. You may not feel a difference until your 3rd or 4th injection, but I have heard of people who had relief in the first injection.

    I use voleran gel topically daily and I take aleive. It takes the edge of the pain, but it isn't a cure. I refuse to have more surgery for now though. Just walk daily, not to to much, because of the stress on the knees.

    But, did you know that just losing 5 pounds will lesson your knee pain quite a bit. I have lost 4 and I can already tell a difference.
    So keep up the good work, keep walking even though it is painful, and let me know how those injections go.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I don't have any answers other than prayer. I also have it, but in my fingers and possibly hips. Since I started the treadmill in Dec., the hips have not been nearly as bad. I question the left knee also at times, so if you find out any answers I would love to know. I am 44 by the way. My fingers started getting bumps when I was 41 or so, so I understand how you feel about being too young for it. I think it influenced my desire to get active-I felt old at an early age!

    Have you been tested for RA? If not, you might want to look into that. OA usually doesn't deform the joint, it only causes the joint to swell.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I have arthritis in my hips, nothing like you have, but the elliptical definitely is the easiest machine for me. There is no joint pressure or pounding as there is when even just walking on the road. I also found the, I believe the name is recumbent bike, (you pedal with your legs our infront of you as opposed to under you) takes the pressure off your joints because you are not pushing down on the joints and teh ROM is smaller as well.
    I ahve found that since I ahve been exercising regularly, my hips bother me much less than when I wasn't exercising really at all. I am wondering if moving the joints more is sort of "lubing" them up or something. Of course losing the weight helps a lot too.
    Not much hep but that's all I can offer!!!!
  • adamswife01
    adamswife01 Posts: 95 Member
    I am 27 and seeing my Dr. today actually for OA in my hands..... My knuckles are starting to knarl like an old ladies.... Some days I cant event bend my left pinky. I too get frustrated that all the info on the internet is geared to elderly people. Good luck!

    As far as knee problems... I also have very bad knees, (have not had surgery yet.) I would try swimming, if you could find a gym with water aerobics that would be great.
  • chezst33
    chezst33 Posts: 15
    Thanks all! Aha, there are people my age range!! It's so frustrating when I feel alone w/ it all because of my age. So, this is a nice support :)

    Yep, I am sure praying and looking for some support that way. I have always leaned toward using the more upright bike, but I will try the recumbant, you are right, it does put your knees at a different degree. People usually think the elliptical would be worse than anything, so it's nice to hear others say it is good on their knees too.

    I had 2 cortisone shots right before Memorial Day which did not work. Then I had an ultrasound guided cortisone injection behind my kneecap (they dislocated it, tilted it, and did the shot behind it)-- lots of pain, didn't work. So, the Synvisc (which is rooster comb!!!) is geting injected w/ ultrasound guidance today. I live in Rochester, MN , and Mayo won't do the single Synvisc injection due to too many reactions to it, so they do it in a series of 5 shots. Some info I have read says it takes 4 weeks post the last shot to have relief, I'm hoping sooner than later as I have a cruise in 10 weeks!

    Yes, I'm trying to let this be a great motivator for weight loss, it's juts been hard for the last few months because I cannot get my heart rate very high since the intensity has gone done drastically, despite the frequency of exercise. So, I'm trying to do longer sessions per day, in divided doses. I've read some that 90 min/ day is optimal for OA, but again, dividing it into different sessions.

    Any time recommendations any of you have?

    Thanks again for your support!
  • chezst33
    chezst33 Posts: 15
    BTW, good luck Adamswife01 with your appt today. And yes, I did water aerobics on Saturday at the Y :)
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    good morning! I wanted to reply to this thread because I have been suffering from arthritis (swelling in the joints) since a very early age. At the age of 30 I was diagnosed with Lupus but I remain sceptical if that is REALLY what I have. I know that my joints swell to the point that it is debilitating but without any crippling effect post flare up. I have been on a lot of meds for the past three years (methotraxate, plequnyl, prednisone) just to get through the everyday. Recently I have had the pleasure of undergoing Remicade by IV and after having received my fourth injection I can say that it is really a MIRACLE drug. I am running now with no pain or swelling in my knees (that was the worse for me) and I am up to 17 minute intervals, 1 min walk and repeat that three times... I can hardly believe that I am running. I have my life back and better than I have ever remembered it.

    I hope you find the same relief in your upcoming treatments.

    God bless
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    i am 34 years old and have osteo in my left knee. The pain is unreal and just horrible. Most days i can barely walk, stand, sit or straighten out my leg. I can hardley sleep at night and depend on tylenol 3`s with codeine. A cortisone shot i had last week , helped for one day. I need a miracle. I am severly overweight and the doctors have been cruel. Its so hard to excercise in this much pain!!!
  • atmoore1980
    It is good to hear so many people with the same issue. I have had pain in my finger and what they call "crooked finger" since I was very young. Then in college I developed carpel tunnel syndrome and couldn't type for several days. As I grew older my knees hurt so bad I couldn't walk, sleep, stand, etc. Then recently, my right thumb just locked up and I couldn't grab anything for a week. I couldn't write, type, drink a cup of tea! I am only 33 and have had this issue for years. Some doctors diagnosis it, others are apprehensive to say OA because I am too young. I have had tests for RA, lime disease, thyroid problems, gout, and others that I can't remember, but they all come back negative. I might ask about the Lupus, but it doesn't affect anything except the joints.

    I take codeine for the swelling, and Hydrocodone (Vicodin) for the pain. I haven't had a shot or talked about knee replacement. I want to look for a specialist that will listen to me first.