cottage life - cooking for guests

I seem to eat more when people drop by for lunch, dinner etc and we sit on the deck for longer. No one seems to take me up on the suggestion of an after meal walk. Guests are in relax mode and I sit and snack. ARGHH!! Anyone been there - done that and survived? Thanks!


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Put a big jug of ice water and glasses on the table... Whenever you want to snack on something, take a big gulp of water first. You'll fill your stomach with water long before you snack too much. You'll get your water intake so quickly too!!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Are you snacking on leftovers? If so, put them away not too long after the meal is over. Try drinking water instead if you need to be doing something with your hands.

    My husband has a habit of noshing after meals, and he has the belly to prove it. :wink:
  • healthhiro
    healthhiro Posts: 18 Member
    Wow, I tried the water idea, and putting food away, and now feel more relaxed. Thanks!