After 10 days first weigh in and lost 1.5 pounds : ( - would

Good day you beautiful people!!!!

I think i set my goal too high for my first time on here however i was a little disappointed with the weight loss. I know i should be exercising more as that would help but would appreciate any advice tips anyone could give me, even checking out my diary : )))))

I checked out my ideal weight and its about 145 pounds!!! lol what I don't think i will get there, plus i think that's way too small for my build, i wouldn't have any boobs or butt left : p

Anywho being in Bermuda my grocery list is pretty limited as a lot of fresh fruit is very expensive (actually everything is), i mean very, so i tend to keep to the same kind of things and nothing too exotic. Also i am not a good cook by any means (my poor son :p) but i do try doing spaghetti bolognaise from scratch and chicken stir frys with just veg, omelets etc.

Thanks guys! i know i can count on you for some great tips and support : )))))))))


  • Camarasaurus145
    Sometimes it take the body some time to start loosing weight ... I've been working out (45-70 minutes of cardio a day) 6x a week for 2 months now, but I didn't start loosing weight till a month ago. So, I got in the frustrated boat pretty quickly myself! It might do you some good to take your measurements and keep up with that as well - I noticed that while my weight wasn't really changing, my measurements were (getting smaller), so I knew my body was responding to the workouts.
    I hope that helps a little!
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    1.5lbs sounds great, you're going in the right direction and at a healthy pace.

    Well done!!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Ok, 1st off 1.5 lbs in 10 days is pretty good. In 20 days that would be 3 lbs and in 40 days that will be 6 lbs and in 80 days 12 lbs and in 90 days 13.5. A lot of people would be happy with 13+ lbs in 12 weeks. Slow and steady win the race.
    You're doing great. Keep it up.
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    You've lost in weight what this laptop weighs so don't put yourself down. 1.5lb is not a small amount so chin up; you're doing great.

  • TBirdGirl
    TBirdGirl Posts: 96 Member
    I was very slow to lose my first couple weeks. But then I had a good amount of loss and then slowed down again. It all balances out. I was disappointed at first but then I realized it's coming off and staying off no matter the pace. All that matters is it's gone. Keep up the great work!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I would say to keep doing what you've been doing, because 1.5 pounds every 10 days is amazing!!! I try to lose a pound a week, so for me, I'd be right on target at your rate.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    1.5 lbs in 10 days is a great rate to lose and a safe amount to lose for that time period. You are doing great so far!
  • erintumbridge
    erintumbridge Posts: 23 Member
    Awww Thanks you guys! Yeh im always pretty hard on myself. Your right at least im losing weight! By doing the food diary i realised that over the past 8 months ive put on weight gradually because of the high calorie processed foods i was eating and snacking especially late at night.

    Keeping tabs on what i eat has definitely helped me to be more dedicated to my new healthier eating. Also i love the support you get from people on here it so helps with my motivation, everyone in the same boat, wanting to lose weight, get healthy etc and supporting each other.

    : )
  • ladydove5
    ladydove5 Posts: 23 Member
    Think positive thoughts....think them out loud!! I can do this and I will do this however long it takes!! We didn't gain extra weight overnight and we won't lose it overnight. Just think of it as not a diet but a change in how much you eat...and what you eat. I think 1-1/2 pounds is great for 10 days:happy: I have been at a plateau for two months and my scales won't drop....but I know it will!:laugh: I keep doing the right things and watching my calories I WILL get past this! YOU can help yourself a lot by hanging in there:bigsmile: I know you can do it!:flowerforyou: