Beginner runner question

I have been running for about 9 weeks now and when I run about a mile and half into my run my right foot and toes go numb. I usually end up running 1.5-2 miles with a numb foot and toes. Any ideas how to prevent that from happening. It is very uncomfortable. I am only up to 3.5 miles, I have made my first goal of being able to run 5K, now my next goal is 10K. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!


  • The_Chungs
    The_Chungs Posts: 9 Member
    Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you, but I can tell you that used to happen to me when I used to run and now when I use the elliptical. I hope someone out there has an answer for us!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Read your question and the first thing that popped into my head was... Are your shoes on too tightly?

    As you run, your feet will swell... if your shoes are too snug, that could potentially be the problem.

    Normally when fitting running shoes, you try to go 1/2 to full size larger to allow for this... particularly in distance running.

    Does the feeling return when you take off the shoes and stop running?
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Most likely, your shoes are too tight.

    Our feet can swell when we workout and if your shoes are too tight, your feet can go numb.,7120,s6-238-267--12334-0,00.html

    Here are ways to lace your shoes to help with the problem. Your shoes might also be too small. Running shoes should be 1/2-1 size bigger than your normal shoes to account for the swelling.

    If it's not your shoes, it can be a circulation problem, which you should see your doctor for.
  • JoeKrueger
    This happens to me when I have my shoes tied too tight. I just re-tie them a little looser. You may also need better shoes. There are running stores that you can go to and get fitted for shoes. Some are expensive, but they are worth it for serious runners.
  • JoBFit
    JoBFit Posts: 81
    Sorry if this is a silly question- but do you wear well fitting trainers? I have a couple of pairs and one of them is a bit snug and sometimes I get a numb toe! I don't use them for running any more- they are fine for kicking about in.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Sounds like your shoes! They may not be the right size, (should be a half size bigger) or they could be tied too tight. They could also just be the wrong kind for your feet. If you haven't been fitted at a running store, you should. If you have, you should go back and explain the situation. You should be re-fitted.
  • RunningMom09
    RunningMom09 Posts: 29 Member
    The longer you run, especially in hot weather, the more your feet will swell. Ideally, your running shoes should be a half size larger than your normal shoes. You may also want to try loosening the laces a little on the right shoe. I've had my toes go numb during a run because my shoe was laced too tightly. Good luck:)
  • plentyoo7
    plentyoo7 Posts: 38
    I have to agree with the above, most likely your shoes are too tight, either from lacing or a combination of wrong size and lacing. Make sure you get properly fitted and replace your runners (I'm told every 6 months but I'm sure other people will chime in with different time frames).
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Make sure you have big enough shoes-sounds weird I know but when I first started running I had to go up 1/2 size in running shoes to allow room. Felt much better!!!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    Not sure what the exact cure would be, but I used to have the same problem when I first started traing for my first half marathon. I tried loosening my shoe laces a bit and that helped a little, but not completely. Once I increased my mileage and was running more, the problem went a way. A friend of mine had the same problem that went away with increased mileage, too. Maybe just something you have to endure for a bit.??
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    ^ That was my first thought as well. I had that problem when I first started, then I went and got shoes fitted at a running store and they put me in 1/2 size larger and told me to not lace quite as tight as I was (make sure it isn't too loose either or you can get blisters). I also started wearing orthotics in my shoes because I have very high arches. I am not sure which of those things helped the most, but I no longer go numb. Good luck!