Not exercised for AGES-need help with a programme please!!!

mrshickey Posts: 239
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
So I've been at home in pain for a while, and prior to that I have been diagnosed with depression, piled on four stones and, needless to say, done very little exercise. However, after losing a little weight with MFP I'm ready to up the ante..........Im not really sure where to start.

I was wondering if anyone else is in my position and if they found it easier to go to the gym, follow an exercise DVD, use the wii fit etc etc.... Or maybe a mixture of all of them!!! Can anyone suggest websites, articles or tips that helped them as I can't afford a personal trainer!!!

I have the following things at home which I can use:

2 in 1 exercise bike and cross trainer
lateral thigh trainer
wii fit plus and balance board
Celebrity fit club DVD

Should I maybe use 1 a day? Or a mixture a few times a week? Should I follow a rota? Any suggestions as I'm not really sure?


  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Honestly - when I started I was depressed as well - going to a gym helped... I chose to go at strange hours to avoid too many people, but being "out" even "alone" or with one or two others helped so much because i was forcing myself to be accountable and out... Working out at home was always more difficult as it was too easy to find "something else" to do you know?

    That, however; was me - everyone will handle things differently... My competitive spirit kicks in now (a year later) and I work out longer and harder when I see people who are fit doing it - I think, if I'm going to be like them I have to step it up a notch - so I do more...
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Have you tried walking DVD's? I belong to Netflix and they have a bunch on streaming but also Leslie Sansone's walking ones. It's a great way to start because you can start with 1 mile then work your way up to the harder ones. The moves are easy but they do burn a lot of calories!
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    You might start out at home, mixing up all the items you have there. Once you feel more active, a gym would be a great idea if it fits into your schedule and budget. Then you have the choice of home or gym, and can mix it up all over the place.
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    Have you tried walking DVD's? I belong to Netflix and they have a bunch on streaming but also Leslie Sansone's walking ones. It's a great way to start because you can start with 1 mile then work your way up to the harder ones. The moves are easy but they do burn a lot of calories!

    I second this! I love the Leslie Sansone DVDs. Back in January I just started getting back into working out again after being inactive for a VERY long time. Her workouts really helped bring me back to a better level. They're pretty easy, but you feel like you got a good workout afterwards. Now I'm 25 pounds lighter and can actually RUN!
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    If you have not exercised for quite a while maybe you should start out with going for a walk maybe 15 minutes to a half hour everyday plus being outside might help with the depression side of things. As you become more fit then you can work your way up to something else, if you feel the need. Hope you're feeling better and good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  • I also love Leslie Sansone's walking videos!! I started a week ago and hadn't done ANY physical ANYTHING for ages. Her videos are very simple and easy to do and great to begin with!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    If you're anything like me, I do more exercise and enjoy the exercise if I do it outside. Go for a walk. No need to run yet - just a nice leisurely 30-45 min walk is a great way to prepare your body for more exercise. I am not a fan of exercise DVD's. I get bored unless I have someone to do it with me.

    Also, try to get on your 2-n-1 bike 2x per day. 10-15min in the morning to jump start your metabolism and get your energy up and then about 1-2hr before bed, then take a relaxing shower/bath. That way your body will be rested, but burn more calories while you sleep.
  • HappyHealthyHolly
    HappyHealthyHolly Posts: 84 Member
    Since you haven't done any exercise for a while, definitely start slow! Maybe once a week, every other day, whatever you feel like. But take it easy, because since you're just getting back into things you don't want to hurt yourself again.

    I enjoy the Wi FIt, it's great & has a lot of variety!
    Simple things, like walking for 15 minutes or so is a great way to start as well.
    Anything that will get your heart pumping yet take it easy on you. And it always helps if it's fun! :)

    Best of luck!!!
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