Eating before working out



  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    I think it depends on what you can tolerate. A long time ago, I did AM workouts (max 45min for weights, max 20min for cardio) 6 times a week all on an empty stomach. When I 'kicked it up a notch' I had to eat 4 egg whites & 1/3 cup of oatmeal before hitting the gym cause I didn't have enough fuel to get through... I now could do AM workouts again on an empty stomach as I don't do weights+cardio together, I alternate with one day off. So it's all about what you can tolerate and you may need to play around with it to find out what works best. Bottom line, exercise + healthy eating = losing fat & gaining muscle :) Doesn't matter when you do it!

    ^ This!
    Do what works best for you! Every BODY is different!
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    Light snack, sports drink or gel about 20 minutes before. Nothing heavy. Skip the protein. Immediatly after, drink chocolate milk. Yes, chocolate milk. Perfect 4:1 carb to protein recovery drink recipe. It's cheaper and tastes better than Endurox!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    There's 2 schools of thought on this:

    There's a lot of research on "fasted cardio" ie working out before eating, especially cardio. I used to go jogging before breakfast and found that worked well.

    Others claim that you need fuel for your workout. And more recently I've started doing an early morning strength class - I find that if I don't eat before it I get dizzy in the heavy squat work, so now I take a slice of wholewheat toast with peanut butter first.

    Oh and some chocolate milk afterwards!

    Try and see what works for you, there's no definitive right or wrong, but listen to your body.