How much do I help?



  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    You can't make her want it, you can only be there for her.

    I think she wants it but to an extent. Sometimes people are half way thru a door but need a little nudge to actually walk thru. Make sense?

    True, a nudge can get you to take a step - or it can cause you to fall down.

    Since you know her much better than we do, which way do you think she'll take it?

    Honestly I think she needs the nudge. She needs to face the reality that at 26 she is more than obese and that she has the power and support to do this.

    True, but this isn't a matter of what she needs. Will this help or hurt? Will this motivate her to do better, or just cause hurt feelings and set her back?

    You know her better than we do, but I can tell you that I would not have responded to anyone, (friends, family, etc.,) offering advice. It just has to come from within.
  • marnieinMB
    marnieinMB Posts: 196 Member
    Just be supportive and educate. There is so much bogus and wrong information out there.
    There is no easy fix...hard work and time and results follow
    It is a lifestyle not a diet

    She is lucky to have you

    Thats my point. There is so much BS quick fix info. People rationalize, make excuses etc when it comes to this.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You know her better than anyone else here. It sounds like she's in about the right place mentally to handle it. She has expressed to you that she wants your help, and you both know she needs it. If you think she can handle it, then do it, just be gentle. Start by reminding her how much you love her and that you don't like to see her in this place. Then lay it on the line. She needs to expend the effort if she wants to see results. As long as you are willing to help be her butt kicker, then this seems like a win-win situation to me. She gets support and you get a healthier sister.
  • marnieinMB
    marnieinMB Posts: 196 Member
    You can't make her want it, you can only be there for her.

    I think she wants it but to an extent. Sometimes people are half way thru a door but need a little nudge to actually walk thru. Make sense?

    True, a nudge can get you to take a step - or it can cause you to fall down.

    Since you know her much better than we do, which way do you think she'll take it?

    Honestly I think she needs the nudge. She needs to face the reality that at 26 she is more than obese and that she has the power and support to do this.

    True, but this isn't a matter of what she needs. Will this help or hurt? Will this motivate her to do better, or just cause hurt feelings and set her back?

    You know her better than we do, but I can tell you that I would not have responded to anyone, (friends, family, etc.,) offering advice. It just has to come from within.

    She came to me! Since I met her I wanted to help but never said a word! Finally when the DR. told her she came to me for help but like so many others they want help when it fits in their mind set.

    For me, I got pushed and pushed to attend a cross fit class. I finally did and felt like death after. It was then I knew I had to make a change. I'm glad I was pushed. It forced me to look at myself.