All or Nothing.

So I'm pretty much an all or nothing kind of person. And when trying to lose weight I tend to be that way as well. I pretty much eat nothing but healthy foods but the second I eat something unhealthy i eat nothing but crap haha. So pretty much since I can't really break the way that I am wired I am going to make a plan where I don't eat anything unhealthy all week but allow myself a treat on sundays. If anybody wants to join me that would be awesome! Here are the rest of the guidelines to my plan:
-Eat only three meals a day
-drink a gallon of water a day
-work out 4-6 times a week
-have a treat on sunday only
-spend time with Jesus every day(this is for me and you don't have to do this with me but if you don't know the Lord and have questions about the Bible or anything feel free to ask:)
I know this is an intense plan but I know it will work for weight loss and make good habits for me and for you! I am going to post whether I met my goal or not on here every day so keep me accountable and i will keep you accountable too!


  • kettlenic
    kettlenic Posts: 148 Member
    good luck x
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    sounds like you ahve a wonderful plan, not far from mine at all.
    I drink anywhere from 3-4 quarts of water a day, I eat what MFP is allowing me
    and I eat back a portion of my exercise calories but never all!

    I wish you great success in meeting all of your goals, :flowerforyou:
    please feel free to add me for support and motivation!

    I have a personal relationship with Jesus, without him I am nothing!
    God see's the light in us, when all's we can see are the shadows!
  • canarie740
    Hello like your post and understand where you are coming from as I am often the same way. I am new- 2nd time and do not know what I am doing yet. LOL I seem to need friendship more than i should because Jesus and my husband are my very very friends and that should be enough. I long for someone to talk with it seems like more than I should although in spite of the world best supportive husband and having the best Father or should I say we have Our Father is the guide us.. something seems to be missing in me that wants me to reach out to other to give and receive support.

    I suppose like Eve maybe i feel like there is more..LOL.. I am on face book and do lot of praying with other prayer warriors, however i do not have a fitness prayer warrior.. and think this may be one missing element in my life..because i hate to exercise. I have done enough shouln't on myself..and want accept the success that only Christ can give and to assure me that I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.. I hope we are a God sent to each other..that is if you can accept a 68 year old as a friend....Please add me if you feel led.and plus if you are on face book I would like to add you if it would be pleasing to you..Hope to hear from you soon.. Need to get a few things done so I can check to see if you have replied..Have a beautiful day..Hugs and Blessing for your day. My frends call me Char .. I am known as Charlotte Chupik on Face book.
  • magnolia333
    Almost met my goal yesterday, ate a handful of m&ms... but today my goal was met!!