Halloween Hottie big nite/oh no!!!!!!!

I did slip off the wagon a tad but got back on. I lost about 3 or 4 maybe 5 lbs for halloween. But I HOPE I am ready for tommorrow nite. I went and picked up a costume and I am NERVOUS about going out in public. I am going as I like to say "the notrious bettie paige". I hope I look ok and does anyone have any confidence well faking it confidence tips. I thought Id have another week but there is a party tommorrow that my BF is dragging me to and I hope I look OK!!!!!! I am feeling so insecure with me these days. I feel so fat and ugly and does anyone have ANY ADVICE how to get over it?????? http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/31598.jpg byt he way this is the costume I got!!! Now you see why I am scared????


  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I did slip off the wagon a tad but got back on. I lost about 3 or 4 maybe 5 lbs for halloween. But I HOPE I am ready for tommorrow nite. I went and picked up a costume and I am NERVOUS about going out in public. I am going as I like to say "the notrious bettie paige". I hope I look ok and does anyone have any confidence well faking it confidence tips. I thought Id have another week but there is a party tommorrow that my BF is dragging me to and I hope I look OK!!!!!! I am feeling so insecure with me these days. I feel so fat and ugly and does anyone have ANY ADVICE how to get over it?????? http://images.buycostumes.com/mgen/merchandiser/31598.jpg byt he way this is the costume I got!!! Now you see why I am scared????
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    It is all in your head. If you feel confident, you'll look confident. If you feel hot, you'll look hot. You can do it! If you weren't a confident person to begin with, that costume never would have been bought. Plus, who cares what other people think. You're doing it for you! Have fun!!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Thank you so much. I just hope and yes people are this nasty to tell me I am fat to my face. I have had it happen a few times to me before. I hope that people dont laugh at me and mess with me it happens ALOT and I think it undermines my worth. Thats bad to say. Its true tho. I hope that I dont feel like a moo cow!!! I can fake confidence. I hope there is at least one girl there that shouldnt be wearing a sexy costume so I can feel ok in what I have on. I should be happy that the medium 8-10 is just about too big. The small which they didnt have would have been a bit too small...but I will tell all you wonderful people how it goes..,..
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Thank you so much. I just hope and yes people are this nasty to tell me I am fat to my face. I have had it happen a few times to me before. I hope that people dont laugh at me and mess with me it happens ALOT and I think it undermines my worth. Thats bad to say. Its true tho. I hope that I dont feel like a moo cow!!! I can fake confidence. I hope there is at least one girl there that shouldnt be wearing a sexy costume so I can feel ok in what I have on. I should be happy that the medium 8-10 is just about too big. The small which they didnt have would have been a bit too small...but I will tell all you wonderful people how it goes..,..

    ok, whoa....not sure who on earth would be calling YOU fat... you look 90 lbs. to me and not in the least bit fat. I think it'll be a cute costume, get a grip, you're not fat....those folks have their own issues but it's not about you. Keep that in mind, cause it could be anything.....maybe they are feeling insecure with your changes.....it happens to people sometimes.

    Anyone telling you something so rude to your face or behind your back, you have to wonder if they are a friend. The word fat has way to much neagative conotations in this world...I don't care for the word myself either but we can't allow one word to have so much power in our lives to break down our self esteem.

    HAVE FUN...you'll look great.....we'll be here waiting for the pics:drinker: