Hi..just started yesterday

Hi everyone...

Let's see...introduction.... I'm 46 from Michigan. I'm relatively active. I sit at a desk all day but I run at lunchtime during the week and Saturdays so I do get 20+ miles of running a week (usually).

I had my annual physical about a week ago and found out my weight's up, energy's down, cholesterol is back up over 200 and it's time to get my eating under control. I just found the MFP app for my droid. Didn't start out too good... yesterday I blew my calories by almost 1,000!!! WHAT??? No wonder I can't fit into half my clothes. grrrrr...

Anyway... I'm hoping using MFP will help me stay focused on exercising and eating better. Studies show if you do something 20 times, it forms a habit. Cool... only 18 more days to go!


  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member
    Nice to meet you! I sit at desk all day too, and walk a mile during lunch.
    Yes it will become a habit. Keep with it. I do better when I 'm logging and being accountable. I found this from my droid too..

  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Hi, and welcome!!

    It is shocking when you see how quickly the calories add up. This is a great tool!