Not quite new, just a re-starter


I joined myfitnesspal quite some time ago but didn't end up sticking to diet for various reasons. Now I've bought a dress for my friends wedding in August which although it fits would be much nicer if I lost a few pounds. Have started on the Dukan Diet as I thought it would suit me best as I'm not a great fan of veggies or salad and I can't eat lots of fatty foods like they do on the Atkins diet. Hopefully this time I will have the will power to stick it out



  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    You can do it! Just stick to the diet and get what exercise you can and you will see the results! Good luck!
  • blondebaby9890
    Welcome back! We're with you every step of the way!
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    Hi Maggie,
    I too am a restarter. I quite due to family issues but have decided it best to restart and just count calories. Best of luck to you.