Vacation eating...

Sveta34 Posts: 19
edited 5:41PM in Food and Nutrition
Hey there,
So I am going on vacation next week to sunny San Diego...I don't want to not work out or eat crap. Any tips on what I can do to stick to my healthy eating and working out? Especially in the airport... PS-I will be with a friend, who is not into too much physical activity. We do plan to go snorkeling and kayaking, but thats about it, then its beach time...


  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    You can bring your own food to the airport as long as there are no liquids or liquidy things. Make a healthy sandwich or wrap and put it in a baggie. Fill another baggie with fruit and carrot sticks. I've never had a problem.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Airports typically have healthy foods now, like fresh fruit, hummus with pretzels to dip in, and sandwiches on whole wheat. Just stay away from the fast food!

    It's possible to lose weight while on vacation. Being active is key. You'll probably be doing a lot of walking anyways, but try to walk as much as possible. Take lots of long walks on the beach. If your hotel has a gym (most do now), take advantage of it! Even if your travel partner doesn't want to, you can probably find time to go first thing in the morning or in the evening without him/her. Good luck!
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Depending on where you're at in San Diego, there are A LOT of fresh markets, whole foods, etc. If you have access to a fridge, you're in good shape! This is a really good time of year to get some awesome fresh meals in SoCal.
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    Thanks guys...i didn't think to go to fresh markets and prepare stuff...I guess when I am on vacation and being the food network and travel channel junky that I am, my first instinct is hit the hot restaurant spots that Guy Fieri and the rest visit...but that is just too tempting to be naughty. Maybe I will do one or two special occasion type dining places, stick to better then the bad choices and convince my friend to go to the fresh markets for quick bites...Thanks again!
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Get up early and do a run/walk or fitness center workout. Get it out of the way before breakfast everyday so you will not feel like you are inconveniencing your friend. Plus you won't have to stop any activity to go work out later in the day.

    As far as food, eating out always poses a challenge. Have you developed enough good habits to make the healthy choice (broiled or grilled fish as opposed to fish & chips, for example) or not? Now is the test. My favorite dessert when eating out (unless I have had a huge workout that day) is fresh fruit. If it is not on the menu, ask for it.

    Also, do not be afraid to ask for a half portion. Some of those entree salads are great, but way too big. Even if you have to pay for the whole thing, only getting half put in front of you will eliminate the overeating. Last bit of advice--watch out for the bread & butter or bread and olive oil. No sense in eating 300-500 calories of bread & fat before your dinner comes.
  • Sveta34
    Sveta34 Posts: 19
    Thanks for the tips whwhitejr...I talked to my friend today and she thought it was a good idea i get it out of the way, since she likes to sleep in anyway, and I don't...:yawn:

    I do have a heard time choosing the right item...of course I prefer the greasy, cheesey, gooey, saucy stuff, but you are right, this is a good test of my wills...and I don't like bread and butter anyway, so that has never been a problem for me...

    I love fruit, but love good dessert even more...LOL...but I will are all so helpful and positive about it...I hope I can do it!:drinker:
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