5'4", 152 lbs to 130. half way there! need inspiration.

sukitron5000 Posts: 3
edited 5:43PM in Introduce Yourself
What's your goal? How far have you come? How have you pushed past the challenges to get to it? Im stuck, seemingly having plateaued. Need help getting over this hurdle!


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I am 5'4 and 145lbs my goal is 132lb I just pushed past a plateau by calorie cycling, if you want any info or want me to set up a calorie zigzag for you just shoot me a message and we can get that done.
  • bddavis1
    bddavis1 Posts: 43
    Check out my wife, she went from 194lb to 130s size 16 to 6 AND ! she is 45 years old. It took her a couple years, it is slow sometimes. You can do it. Her pix are on www.bobbydavis.net.
  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    My goal is 135 lbs. I am 5'5" and my starting weight was 177.2 I'm going on vacation to Jamaica in August so that has been my motivation (bathing suit - YIKES!) My biggest challenge is going to be maintaining :happy:
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    What's your goal? How far have you come? How have you pushed past the challenges to get to it? Im stuck, seemingly having plateaued. Need help getting over this hurdle!

    I'm also the same height at 5'4.

    My goal is to be healthy overall but ultimately get down to 115...thats if I'm lucky. I was around 208+ when I gave birth back in January and now down to 131. The challenges I faced and sometimes still face is junk foods....I've changed up my workouts also sometimes so my body doesn't get use to it. I make sure to drink plenty of water and just keep at it even if its that TOM...have you tried zig zagging or changing foods up? Sometimes it helps to shake things up :happy:
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I'm 5'2" and trying to reach 135, which is at the higher end of the BMI for my height, but only 10lbs from what I weighed before I got pregnant for my son, who turned 27 this year. I'm 23lbs from goal. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'll help you with the "moto".

  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I am 5' 3"ish. I started around 140 and am now down to 110. I did watch watchers last fall and lost 7 and then I kind of gave up for a few months. Around the end of Janaury of this year I joined MFP. I have since lost another 23 pounds. I have lowered my bodyfat percentage by about 5 points. I feel great,I am in the best shape of my life. I now have a passion for running. I would definetly reccommend calorie cycling and changing up your workout routine if your plateauing . To lose weight I upped my protein and did a combination of gym workouts ,home workouts(videos),outdoor walking and fitness classes.
  • What exactly is zig zagging? Clearly, I haven't tried it. Haha :)
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Simply put its eating a high number of calories one day and a low number the next.If you google it there are websites that take in account your stats and give you ranges and reccomantions to stay within. Its to prevent your body from getting used to a certain number. Makes your body work harder.
  • Simply put its eating a high number of calories one day and a low number the next.If you google it there are websites that take in account your stats and give you ranges and reccomantions to stay within. Its to prevent your body from getting used to a certain number. Makes your body work harder.

    Thank you! I'm going to try this!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I am 5'4"ish; started at 199.8lbs and I am currently 142lbs. What has really helped me is looking at the big picture. I once was small, so I knew it was possible...I don't want to struggle with high blood pressure, obesity, depression or alcoholism (which all run in my family). I have gotten to where I am with incredible MFP friends that have encouraged me every step of the way [in the easy times & the hard]. My before and current photos are in my signature; I hope we have encouraged you in some way. Best of luck!
  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    It's not a very popular way to do it...but I fast through a plateau. However, every Sunday I allow myself to eat what I like. Works for me, but might not for you. Just listen to your body, you'll get through it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    btw, I'm 6' and started at 260...now 170 and heading to 150

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    you and I are on the same boat. started at 150 and my gw is 130 too. I'm at 137 right now so only 7 more to go...!
    I'm also 5'4", you can do it! I think the last few pounds are the hardest just work hard!
  • I feel ya! I'm 5'2'' started out at 149 (not far from where you began) and currently at 130. I hope to get to 125 at least before November for my wedding. I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I'm on day 7 of Level 3 (so total day 27) and I've lost 3.5 lbs. Maybe you could purchase that DVD (only $10 at walmart!) to help get over the dreaded plateau.
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