I was looking on today to find a deal on PB2, and was recommended to try Walden Farms creamy peanut butter with ZERO CALORIES, ZERO CARBS, ZERO FAT, basically zero anything except a tiny bit of sodium. So I went to their web site and they have a HUGE selection of these zero calorie foods. It sounded very tempting but everything they have seems to be sweetened with Splenda. What are your thoughts on Splenda? Is it bad for you? Has your hair fallen out? Have you gained weight because of it? Please share.


  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I love splenda, couldn't do without it.

    I figure either the splenda will kill me or being fat will, 6 of one half dozen of the other.
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    Splenda gives me really bad anxeity
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    my thought is, if you have one serving of one of the zero-calorie foods per day it wont kill you.
    but if youre eating the products all day everyday.... im skeptical.

    also, ive had some of the dressings and IMO it tastes gross... but peanut butter could be a different story
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I dont understand how peanut butter can have 0 cals.I would want to know what else is in it obviously not peanuts because peanuts have cals and fat......hmmm I dont know I would do more research first
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member

    I figure either the splenda will kill me or being fat will, 6 of one half dozen of the other.

    SOOOO true!
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    What is the trick? It can't be "peanut butter" without peanuts and those have calories. Heck, even tofu has calories. Is this actual food?
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    read the book "Sugar Shock" you will never touch splenda again.
    it is actually half chlorine. there is nothing good about that stuff.

    its like aspertame in diet soda's it's actually been proven to be bad for you and bad for weight loss
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 559 Member
    zero calorie peanut butter sounds very strange... peanuts have calories and fat.... so what are they using? Also, regular peanut butter only has a few grams of sugar in it... so sugar is not the issue when it comes to calories in peanut butter.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    If its processed to be 0 calories it probably isn't good for you - think about it - natural peanuts have calories so how would peanut butter have none...

    Ask me, it wouln't be going into my body :huh: - can't be good for you and probably wont help you lose in the long run *artifical sugars do horrible things to the metabolism so sometimes it is better to eat the real thing in moderation*

    Just my 2 cents
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    read the book "Sugar Shock" you will never touch splenda again.
    it is actually half chlorine. there is nothing good about that stuff.

    its like aspertame in diet soda's it's actually been proven to be bad for you and bad for weight loss
    ew yeah!!! i only eat real sugar, at least in moderation it wont kill me and its natural, lol.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I use splenda in my coffee everyday. No issues...and I'm still alive! No it's not the most perfect thing in the world for you, but who really honestly eats perfect????
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I think the reason zero-cal sweeteners can be bad for you is because your body can't be fooled, like when you drink a diet soda, your body wants those calories and so you end up eating them somewhere. That said, if it works into your diet, go for it. PErsonally, I cannot stand the taste of any artificial sweetener, I would rather budget myself for the real thing than taste that nasty stuff. I don't even like to chew gum that's artifically sweetened!
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    from what I Know PB2 Is made from peanuts in which all their oils (calories) have been expelled.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I use splenda in my coffee everyday. No issues...and I'm still alive! No it's not the most perfect thing in the world for you, but who really honestly eats perfect????

    I don't necessarily think the splenda is the issue it is everything else - peanuts have calories, all natural foods do so what is this being made of??
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    When my husband has some health issues I consulted a dietician and a nutritionist. They both recommended using Splenda. They showed me a chart of "safe" foods and it showed that sugar substitutes that contain aspertame are not healthy if you consume more than a few tsp's per day, but with Splenda you could actually consume up to 185 per day before there were any ill health effects.
    We have only used Splenda for about 5 years and have never had any bad experience. I cook and bake with it as well.

    Splenda is NOT like aspertame products.
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    I like Splenda...but it hates me! I get the shakes and start feeling dizzy anytime I consume anything like splenda or aspertame. Both are chemicals and really shouldn't be in your diet. They can have nasty side effects. My sister-in-law use to drink diet drinks and would eat sugar free treats all the time. It screwed up her thyroid to the point where she couldn't walk more than 5 mins at a time before getting tired. So I would be really careful.
  • kitkat1781
    kitkat1781 Posts: 72
    I'd never heard of Walden Farms until I read this post...I just checked out their website...seems too good to be true, right? How can chipotle ranch dressing have zero calories??? As I said, I know nothing about this company. However, I checked the ingredients of the chipotle ranch dressing and some of the ingredients have calories (i.e. tomato paste, minced garlic). Now I know it's not a ton of calories, but still, how does the final product have zero calories??

    I'm interested to hear from people who've tried any of the products!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    i've tried the 0 calorie peanut butter and just warning you- it's awful. it reminded me of glue in taste and texture. it was pretty weird/gross. i was sad, but i wanted to try it.

    my views on splenda, however, are different. i personally don't care about artificial sweeteners (except sweet n low bc it's gross). i switch between using splenda and using truvia every couple of weeks. if i didn't have splenda/truvia, my oatmeal would either be gross or have a lot more calories in it.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    My mother has been told to avoid all artificial sweetners (she is diabetic). I know speldna is a derivative of sugar - but its not natural in my opinion - it has been processed. I've also heard that artificial sweetners can impede weightloss.

    "The main reason why consuming artificial sweeteners may impede weight loss doesn't involve the way your body burns calories, though it may have some influence over the metabolism. When you ingest something sweet, the body anticipates calories. But artificial sweeteners don't deliver the expected units of energy; so you may begin to experience an increase in hunger after ingesting an artificial sweetener, according to a study conducted at Purdue University. This encourages you to overeat and subsequently gain weight."

    Zero calorie food sounds too good to be true - so it probably is. Probably doesnt taste that great - and your body would be getting zero nutrients from it more or less.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I have tried these products from Walden Farms. The salad dressings are so so. The peanut butter tastes nothing like peanut butter and I had to throw it away. Same with the mayo.