Feeling discouraged

BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
Since I had my son a year ago I have only lost 20 of the 40 lbs I gained. And most of the was in the beginning. Now a year later after just tracking my calories and trying the new WW points plus (which I really didnt like)....I finally decided to join Jenny Craig. I have never had a problem losing a few lbs here and there and have maintained a healthy weight most of my adult life. But this baby thing really threw me a curve ball. Well here I am a week after joining, tracking meticulously on MFP, getting my workouts in and I lost nothing. I know...its only been a week. But it just makes me want to order a pizza if I am going to weight the same no matter what I eat! :(


  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    It's aweful isn't it? It says to stick to these guidelines to loose 1lb a week and a week later nothing! I'm feeling depressed too, but I think the first week is a bit too soon to look, give it another week and maybe then it'll start to work.
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    Totally been there. Especially when you are working SOOO hard and not a single pound. Try to make a promise to yourself to try it for one whole month. If you try it and dont lose anything, then something is probably up . Your body is making some adjustments and it takes a little bit to catch up. I've been tracking my calories, running and exercising like insane but I havent lost much weight. HOWEVER, sooo many people have noticed a diference and all of my clothes are so loose now I feel so much better about how I look... So in the last month I've lost 2 pounds but I've gone down a shirt and pant size. Pretty impressive, right ? I also know my body is the type that I'll wake up one day and I'll have dropped 3-5 pounds overnight. Its just a matter of muscle building and water weight. Also, when you are about to shed some fat, the fat cells actually absorb water before you shed pounds so keep that in mind too. :) Keep your head up!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Sometimes your metabolism gets thrown WAY off after having a baby. Have you followed up with your PCP for post-pregnancy blood tests? I didnt realize how important they were until I was treated for post-partum depression and my PCP explained how much pregnancy can mess with hormone levels, and not just immediatly afterwards but for a life time.

    My sister and I are both the type though that have to work our butts off just to lose a few lbs vs the people where they watch their calories and it just "falls off". Every BODY is different and unique. You just have to find what works for you
  • tbisca1
    tbisca1 Posts: 142
    I know it's hard but it's worth living a heathly lifestyle and eventually results will be seen. Just think if I had given up the first week I started a year ago and not tired then I wouldn't have lost 82 lbs to date. Give it some time and don't get discouraged so soon! Everyone on here wants to see you succeed!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Keep saying that one sentence over and over "Its ONLY been a week" It may take a bit for your body to adjust. It may think you're trying to starve it so it will hold on for a week or two! Don't be discouraged. Remember the scale may not move but the inches may come off. Keep up the good work and you will see results.