alittle advice and support

I have been at a stand still for almost 3 weeks!! I havent gained but I havent lossed...what am I doing wrong???

My calorie goal is 2000 and im eating about 1200 to 1500. I go to the gym EVERYDAY for at LEAST 30 mins. or I swim laps if the gym is to time consuming. Im always doing cardio.

I cut out all sugar and carbs and I feel I eat pretty well!! no more fast food and such..... so why isnt the scale going DOWN!!!!!!!!!

with the exercise my net calories are sometimes less than this why???? I feel if I eat anymore Im going to gain....

any advice from people who have been here awhile???

please and thank you!



  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    If you open your food diary then we can see what you are eating. You may be consuming too much sodium which helps your body hold onto weight.
    I'd also say that going under on calories does tend to create a situation where you body would hold onto the weight.
    You might want to go up on the calories (closer to 2000) for a few days and see how you feel- still eating healthy foods, but just more of them. This might jump start your metabolism and help you get out of your stall.
    Good luck!
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    hii you need carbs if all you are doing is cardio.

    also you probably shouldnt do just cardio, you should lift some weights too
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    You need to be net-ing at least 1200 calories. That's why you're not losing. Eat more!! You'll lose more. :-)
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Could be too much stress on your body from all that gym-going.
    Too much cortisol can really stunt weight loss.

    What does an average day of eating look like? Are you getting enoguh fat and protein?

    I'd suggest moving from cardio to weight lifting and interval training. Do high interval training instead of long steady-paced cardio and pick up some weights to get your metabolism going.
    You can get better results sprinting and walking in intervals for 10 minutes than you can get in a half hour of cardio.
  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    also you probably shouldnt do just cardio, you should lift some weights too

    This ^

    Doing cardio only will cause you to lose muscle mass. We need muscle mass to boost our metabolism so you increase the amount of calories you burn while at rest. I'd throw in some weights...even if you keep it cardio-based, like circuit training. You might see an initial increase in weight, but you'll notice inches will be lost and then the weight will start to come off as well.
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    If you've been doing the same amount of cardio for awhile it's time to switch it up. Add some weights, try out an exercise class- do something to shake your body up!
    You probably need to eat a bit more. What is your weight loss goal set as? Netting over 1200 (at the minimum!!) is important for losing weight long term. Try eating a bit more and see what happens.
    Change up what you eat, watch your sodium, maybe try limiting your carbs. Do something to kick your body back into gear.

    I've been in a plateau for 3 months & counting. I KNOW how frustrating it is! There's a link to a blog in a few signatures around here by natalie something called "The most dreaded word in weight loss" that has some great info about busting a plateau. Most
    Most importantly, Don't Give Up!! You can beat this. Even if you aren't losing at the moment you are getting stronger and healthier!!
  • Mommiepootie
    Mommiepootie Posts: 9 Member