C25K..just keeps getting harder



  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    I don't run for distance at all. I'm too slow, so I stick to time. I also use a podcast that tells you when to run and when to walk, which helps if looking at your watch is a problem for you. I personally like to see how much time I have left. Makes me concentrate on keeping my feet moving. I think so far, week 5 has been the hardest in terms of endurance. 8 minutes is a long time to run. (I'm on week 6). 20 minutes felt like forever, but you can do it. It's around week 4 or 5 that it becomes a mental challenge more than a physical one. Just keep telling yourself to keep your feet moving and you'll be fine. Don't worry about speed at all. C25k does get harder in some ways, but easier in others. I thought I would die after week 1 day 1, but running for a minute is easier..I mean, I can do at least 20 now. It's harder because it becomes mind over matter. If you can keep your feet moving when your head is screaming for you to stop, you've got it made.

    i have definitely experienced this already and i think of every reason why i need to stop but don't let myself...
  • bassettpig
    bassettpig Posts: 79 Member
    It seems to me I have read that it is perfectly acceptable to repeat any week or weeks that seems very hard in this program. That would be my advice, for what it's worth.

    As others have said, and also from personal experience, it is all a matter of perspective. There comes a day where your EASY run is what your HARD run used to be--you'll realize that and go "holy cow! I made it!"
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    This is going to sound very strange, but stick with me.

    When you start running longer distances, you have to be in the right "headspace." If you are thinking about time or distance, you are focusing on the wrong thing. Set the timer and think about anything else in the whole world. You have to be relaxed, drop your shoulders a little, breathe big and go for it. If you have to look at the timer, you will be pleasantly surprised about how far you went when you weren't focusing on it. I ran 4.89 MILES the other day doing just that...and I am a fatty!! Can you BELIEVE IT! Also, I usually like to run by myself since I am ultra competitive and don't like to be "behind" or slower than anyone. I find I run much faster on my own than I do in a group or with a partner. It's easier to zone out.

    This is awesome advice and I totally agree!!

    I had to repeat week 5 and never thought I would get through it - it was way too much. But, I stopped looking at the clock and just wanted to finish it! Today, I finished up week 8. There was something that happened - and I think it was around week 5 - it's hard to explain it, but something clicked! I was a runner! I had never been a runner and now I was! I was committed to something and I wanted to finish it. (Not to scare you, but) today I was to run 28 minutes non stop. I ran 30. I pushed myself to make a nice round number - it felt amazing.

    There is no magic formula here. When you want to stop, slow down a little. No one is going to think any differently of you and you will be continuing to run. Not stopping is the best thing you can do (unless you are in utter pain and you feel that something is wrong). Sweat is not wrong - telling your body to push through it is not wrong - repeating week 5, 6, etc is not wrong! You can do it!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    This Couch to 5k sounds really good...is it a programme or could someone let me know where to find more information? I'm currently on Day 2 of 100miles/100day challenge and today jog/walked 1 mile in 15.25 minutes so i am really interested in the C25k

    Any information greatly appreciated!

    Good luck to all you sound like you're doing great!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I thought I was going to die during Week 5.

    I did two things when I thought the runs were getting too challenging:

    - repeat the run more than the 3x (the program I used said to do each run 3x, w/ the exception of those runs that really bump up mileage during Week 5 and 6 - i think those are broken down into 3 diff. runs per week)

    - slow it down

    Running really slowly might not sound appealing, but it's how I was able to do the Couch to 5K and improve. :flowerforyou: :smile:
    I know you can do it! I'm a slow jogger, but I've since done a few 10K all trail runs, etc. and managed not to not die!! :laugh:
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    This Couch to 5k sounds really good...is it a programme or could someone let me know where to find more information? I'm currently on Day 2 of 100miles/100day challenge and today jog/walked 1 mile in 15.25 minutes so i am really interested in the C25k

    Any information greatly appreciated!

    Good luck to all you sound like you're doing great!

    you can google it... the one i found is a 9 week running program... i think it will be really great once i get through it lol
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    ... i think it will be really great once i get through it lol

    it was literally the 'gateway drug' to exercise and running for me - no joking! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    If you want some inspiration...read the books by Dean Karnazes. If you read one chapter a week...it will keep you going. My 'signature' is one of his quotes...I try to live by it. I have a 5k I am doing on Saturday...it's on a mountain and the temp is supposed to be in the upper 80's...I will have this quote in my head throughout the race. Remember...pain and struggle is fleeting...but glory is eternal.
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you for all of your responses everybody.... i will remember all these things tonight when i feel like my feet and lungs are on fire and i want to quit! hopefully i will have the same success story a lot of you have! i have never been a runner (and i still don't like it) but i hope i feel differently at the end of this and am able to keep going farther...
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I have the c25k app on my droid phone.. I also play my favorite music.. I am on week 4 day 2. I have completed the program in the past... Like others have said, it is mind over matter!!! I try to think about something else while I'm running and I don't allow myself to look at my watch. I just listen for the ding.. If it's getting hard I just keep telling myself that I'm not going to die, and wait for the ding:)... If I look at the clock and watch the time tick down, it takes FOREVER!! Learn to watch around you, the sunrise or sunset... God's beautiful creation all around. I have to zone out and go to that place, otherwise it's like watching water heat to a boil....
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    I have the c25k app on my droid phone.. I also play my favorite music.. I am on week 4 day 2. I have completed the program in the past... Like others have said, it is mind over matter!!! I try to think about something else while I'm running and I don't allow myself to look at my watch. I just listen for the ding.. If it's getting hard I just keep telling myself that I'm not going to die, and wait for the ding:)... If I look at the clock and watch the time tick down, it takes FOREVER!! Learn to watch around you, the sunrise or sunset... God's beautiful creation all around. I have to zone out and go to that place, otherwise it's like watching water heat to a boil....

    i need a ding-er lol.... that really would help i think. and i need a prettier place to run... not just houses, although i do live in idaho and the mountains and sunsets really are beautiful.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    listen to a podcast! like a real one. I listen to Dan Savage (on my iPhone-do other things let you do this?) and inevitable when i'm in the middle of dying something hilarious and awkward is said and i'm laughing hysterically while jogging up a hill.

    I also listen to audio books, keeps me engaged in the plot and then i'm less concerned about when i can stop running.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I don't know about the program, but I walked for two years before I jogged. Now I'm jogging 2 miles +, three times a week!

  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I have the c25k app on my droid phone.. I also play my favorite music.. I am on week 4 day 2. I have completed the program in the past... Like others have said, it is mind over matter!!! I try to think about something else while I'm running and I don't allow myself to look at my watch. I just listen for the ding.. If it's getting hard I just keep telling myself that I'm not going to die, and wait for the ding:)... If I look at the clock and watch the time tick down, it takes FOREVER!! Learn to watch around you, the sunrise or sunset... God's beautiful creation all around. I have to zone out and go to that place, otherwise it's like watching water heat to a boil....

    i need a ding-er lol.... that really would help i think. and i need a prettier place to run... not just houses, although i do live in idaho and the mountains and sunsets really are beautiful.

    Looking at the smallest of insects and the prettiest of butterflies-- nothing like taking in God's world during a jog/run.

    As for music and podcasts with built in dings, prompts, and other noises (LOL), you can check these out:

    Suz's Couch 25K podcasts: www.kissmyblackass.org (R&B, hip hop, some pop)

    Carl's C25K podcasts:http://runningintoshape.com/5k-training-downloads/ (R&B, hip hop, some pop)

    Go Nicole Yourself Couch to 5K podcasts: http://gonicoleyourself.blogspot.com/2008/06/couch-to-5k-podcast-page.html

    Podunner Intervals/ DJ Steveboy's First Day to 5K podcasts: http://www.djsteveboy.com/1day25k.html

    C25K Playlists: http://www.c25kplaylists.com/4801.html

    I really like Carli's podcasts a lot. If you like rock or alt. rock, then Chubby Jones would be up your alley. Dance, Club, sorta techno music would would be Podrunner intervals. I also like C25K playlists as they have a variety of mixes based on your mood. Not sure if they "ding" per se, but they probably have some sort of music adjustment or prompt that lets you know when its time to switch.

    These sites may have playlists on them to let you know the songs. If not, then just take a listen to see if the music would get you motivated.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I got on iTunes and searched "c25k". I found a free podcast by NHS Choices Series. It has music and a nice British lady who tells you when to run and also gives you some tips and words of encouragement. However, I just searched again to make sure it was still there and I didn't see it, so here's the link to their website, where you can download the podcasts. :smile: http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx
  • auntv77
    auntv77 Posts: 24 Member
    Careful those of you runningon a treadmill. If you plan to actually run a 5k on the street someday the feeling and difficulty is COMPLETELY different. Tthe treadmill is much easier on your body but running outisde is much easier on your mind as there is a LOT more to see and not think about running!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Are you running with music? Find your favorite 2 songs - that is about 8 minutes!

    This! :smile:

    I tell myself I'm dancing. I time my footfalls to the music and swing my arms and get into the music. Sometimes I sing along... well, mouth the words anyway. And when I know I have, for instance, a mile to go, I think, "That's about three songs... I can dance for three more songs!"
  • trinity77
    trinity77 Posts: 35 Member
    like everyone said it's more mental that physical. your body can do it, you just need to tell it to! when it gets tough think to yourself i can stop at the next corner, tree, what ever if i need to and then when you get there and realise you don't need to stop do the same again.

    believe me it gets easier. i started C25K 10 weeks ago. i had knee problems at the beginning so took it easy for the first few weeks. now i can run for 30 mins straight, i've already run a 4k and now have a 5k this sunday! it does get easier once you believe you can do it.

    good luck!
  • MintyCandy
    MintyCandy Posts: 44
    It's awesome to hear everyones experiences. I just started C25K, I'm on my last day of week 2 and I am SCARED to start week 3.
    Despite being extremely worried I can't run for 3 minutes I find everyday I look forward to my run, or the next day I do run.
    I absolutely can't wait for the day that I can run a full 30 mins and just look like it easy. :)

    And I agree about mind over matter. :D
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    It's awesome to hear everyones experiences. I just started C25K, I'm on my last day of week 2 and I am SCARED to start week 3.
    Despite being extremely worried I can't run for 3 minutes I find everyday I look forward to my run, or the next day I do run.
    I absolutely can't wait for the day that I can run a full 30 mins and just look like it easy. :)

    And I agree about mind over matter. :D
    For me, week 3 was the hardest week to transition to because it's double the amount of time as last week. If you can make it through that, the transitions become much less drastic. (There's still the jump from 8 to 20 minutes, but that's truly a mental test..week 3 is still physical.)