new to my fitness pal

My brother introduced me to this site, he is a fireman and on his own health mission. I am 34 yrs old, 345lbs and starting to fight the good fight again. I say again because a year ago I was at 350, and over the summer got down to 290, only to put it all back on again. I am starting hard withn p90x. 2 days in and it is brutal. Much of it I have to modify, but this time I intend to stay in the fight.


  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    That's awsome, you keep up the good work. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • adri_ana12
    thats great know how hard px90 is. wish u much luck. feel free to add me as a friend.
  • fcvicente
    fcvicente Posts: 3
    thx ladies.....havent used the site tons but ive been plugging away. slow progress but im working and doing my best.
  • ziathediva
    ziathediva Posts: 12