Knee Pain from Bike to Run Transition

edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
Looking for anyone that gets knee pain from using the indoor trainer at gyms then starting a run immediately after. I get them like mad crazy.

-Happens sometimes after 2+ hours when still on the bike
-Will happen immediately after transitioning to run. Have to jog to warm up but I get a sharp pain.
-Reduced after 10 minutes.
-Next day, I get pain when standing up from seated position. Sometimes super sharp. Always enough pain to make me take it slow.

Please Read Before Commenting:
-I am young and I've done endurance events, although not this long, before. I don't have joint problems and I eat sufficient fats for joint flexibility.
-I stretch and ice.
-Doesn't hurt when I JUST run that day.
-I should be using a stationary bike that will allow seat forward/back adjustments, but ....
-those are in the room that has a crazy schedule that includes spin gangs..
-I bike for hours at a time
-Knees are mostly straight above foot with a slight bend
-100 rpm (meaning Im not pushing too hard)
-I cant bike outdoors on my road bike because...
-I live in Los Angeles and there's crazy traffic and roads. Plus paranoia of getting hit AGAIN by a car.. yes again.
-I bike at night
-Schedule is not conducive. I sometimes need to go from swim to bike or bike to run without carrying 10# of crap.

-Sometimes I scoot forward because the seat is super wide and not conducive for cycling. This might be putting my knee in front of my foot.
-Will consider a road bike - to trainer stand for my living room if I need it...
-I've read that this pain is reduced when using a wedge in the shoe to align the knee vertically when pedaling
-Seeing a chiro on Friday, who is a professional cyclist, who suggested the wedge thing to my fiance when he was there for his back.
-Downside being the probable need to remove wedges before running..

Does anyone have any advice on how to reduce pain other than alignment tips and warm ups for the first part of the run?

Also considering using a trainer stand to covert my bike. Has anyone trained a lot on these? The same thing might happen with that setup is what Im worried about...


  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    glucosumin pills help.

    i'm very young as well, and I know two people with this problem who are young and in good shape.

    You might need a knee brace to run with, but it sounds like you should probably see the doctor about this one.
    I've been running for 4 years, and I have never experienced knee pain ever from running. I really do not think it is a good sign! perhaps see a doctor.
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    I found Pete Egoscue years ago, and saved my life. He has written a book called pain free. He has other sport specific books as well. Look him up, I find when I have a pain pop up, he gets me back in the game sooner than, to if I try to fix imyself. I am off to the gym today is swim bike day.
  • JustBill
    JustBill Posts: 93 Member
    I have had severe knee pain ever since I ran DOWN a steep hill, oddly enough. I couldn't even do squats in the gym anymore for about a month. I'm just now getting back into the squats with low weights, but now I'm only running maybe once a week and I'm primarily cycling instead.

    Then again, I am NOT very young so our situations are different. :)
  • sbbangs4
    sbbangs4 Posts: 6 Member
    If you are training for an ironman, it is not unreasonable to get either a road bike or a triathlon bike. Get properly fitted. Until you work this out, you probably will have pain. I haven't done an ironman, but I have done shorter sprint triathlons and the bike portion of a half-ironman. Good luck to you! An Ironman is crazy but I imagine incredibly rewarding.
  • I have a road bike and it works fine, but I can't bike outside for reason x,y, and z. Considering the stand that allows you to bike indoors though I'm not 100% sure if it will help. I know they're not cheap..
  • Thanks. I've heard that glucosamine might help. I think it stems from something I'm doing on the bike. Maybe a knee brace would help with that? Not sure.
    glucosumin pills help.

    i'm very young as well, and I know two people with this problem who are young and in good shape.

    You might need a knee brace to run with, but it sounds like you should probably see the doctor about this one.
    I've been running for 4 years, and I have never experienced knee pain ever from running. I really do not think it is a good sign! perhaps see a doctor.
  • Chiqui74
    Chiqui74 Posts: 72 Member
    I don't know about the pain but, for whatever it's worth, training on a indoor bike (even on your road bike on a trainer), will not prepare you to race on the road. The conditions couldn't be more different. You need to either get over your fear or drive out somewhere with less traffic and ride your road bike there. The trainers are good for quickie miles or just to ride over the winter (up north) when it's icy outside but it will not prepare you for an Ironman.

    Edit: the fit of your road bike won't change when you put it on a trainer, your body still has the same position in respect to the bike.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Have you been professionally fitted for the bike? (cleat position, seat forward/back, seat height, handlebar height/ orientation).

    Obviously being just a little out of the proper alignment can add up after hours and hours of riding.

    Where in the knee are you feeling the pain? behind the knee cap, off to a side, etc.?
  • Ok guys thanks for the advice but I can't bike outside and still fit my training schedule. The trainer is good prep for an Ironman that has a flat consistent course. I've done it before for the 1/2 IM and was fine. I take the actual road bike out every now and then and I do great..

    I wish I could just 'drive somewhere without traffic'. This is LA. Theres traffic and s**t everywhere. If theres less cars, theres more pot holes. Or stop lights. Or stop signs. (re: not consistent training at all?) Or I have to drive 1 hr to get there. I already get home from training at 10 pm and get up early for work. Not an option to 'find a place to bike outside'... sorry.

    Anyways. I use the indoor trainer at my gym which is obv not fitted since it wont adjust fore/aft.

    Any other suggestions?

    @AZDesertDog: Knee pain is off to the side (lateral) with sharp knee pain when running pretty much everywhere for the first 8-15 minutes.
  • I know it won't change. I'm asking if anyone's used this setup (bike + stand) for hours at a time while staring at a wall or tv and not gone absolutely bats**t crazy..
    Edit: the fit of your road bike won't change when you put it on a trainer, your body still has the same position in respect to the bike.
  • Chiqui74
    Chiqui74 Posts: 72 Member
    I have done it but it does make my batty after a while.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I've ridden countless miles on a stationary trainer (with my tri bike, training for 1/2IMs). It's better than the gym cycle. You can get some training DVDs called Spinervals, that will REALLY task your bootie!!! There are also interactive trainers that you can plug into your laptop that will increase resistance as your virtual cycling persona rides up the hills in France, Italy, and so on.

    I used to just print out a free Spinerval workout from their website, put it on a tv tray next to my bike so I could keep track of the different exercises. They even had you get off the bike mid-ride, do wall squats, box jumps, and a few other fun leg-killers before continuing your training session.
  • Chiqui74
    Chiqui74 Posts: 72 Member
    I've ridden countless miles on a stationary trainer (with my tri bike, training for 1/2IMs). It's better than the gym cycle. You can get some training DVDs called Spinervals, that will REALLY task your bootie!!! There are also interactive trainers that you can plug into your laptop that will increase resistance as your virtual cycling persona rides up the hills in France, Italy, and so on.

    That sounds great but expensive. Which trainers are those? I have birthday coming up.....
  • Hm sounds like I should peruse craigslist for a trainer. Unfortunately I currently use a gym that's right next to my work. It means I dont spend an hour driving home convincing myself I don't need to work out today. Luckily I have another gym by my house if I need to do run bike intervals but it'll cut into closing time
    Given the late start from the commute

    Half the toughness around training for an Ironman is just fitting it all into your schedule...
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    We got our trainer from performance bike (online) for like $125. We attach our road bikes and tri bikes to it. It would be the same as being in the gym I would imagine. We have it in the spare bedroom with a TV/DVD player and you can order spin classes through netFlixx. Its awful but so would the gym and so is a treadmill to me however I am lucky that I can get outside for the most part. My knee issue is there even on my well fitted road bike and I now just started using clips since I thought the old saddlebags were what was causing knee issues but my last ride of 60 miles my knee was swollen up. But I do have joint damage and knee issues but I always thought the bike was such a good alternative and it seems out of the 3 to be the worse right now.
    I would imagine its form..Maybe after one gets tired at a certain point form breaks down. I highly doubt gluco or drugs or anything would "help" since lets face it you dont have the issue running or even swimming. Gluco and fish oil and others are wonderful to take for long term joint health but not an alt to what is going on now. I have tried Alleeve and other anitinflammtories but they dehydrate and arent healthy to take for endurance sports for so much strain to liver and kidneys as it is. A brace could be an option but I dont know..
  • Good point about the gluco..I'll see what the chiro says on Friday. He's a pro cyclist lol
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Have you tried the river trails? I know its a bit of a drive for you up in LA, but you could ride the trails on the weekends or something. From Corona to HB on the SA trail is over 25 miles, take PCH up to Seal Beach hit the SG River Trail for another 30+. Out and back you're looking somewhere around a century with minimal cars.

    Also if you're not already a member, contact the LA Tri club or local cycling club, they probably have some good routes you could take on the roadie as well.

    Plus what everyone else said... if its below your knee on the outside, sounds like ITB.
    Foam roller, raise the seat up on the stationary another notch (those things suck btw, they kill my knees too)

    You could also try asking around on They have a lot of great members and advice floating around there too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,942 Member
    Don't waste your money on glucosamine/chodroitin supplements. They don't work. Several studies now show they are no different than a placebo.
  • Yeah I like the River Trails but its too much for me to get to on a daily basis for my workouts. I did the LA River Ride (70mile) a few weeks ago with a buddy and I was amazed how much work they've done to improve the trail! Its too much for me to get to every day though for a workout.

    Might try lifting my seat up yet another notch. Thanks guys.
    Have you tried the river trails? I know its a bit of a drive for you up in LA, but you could ride the trails on the weekends or something. From Corona to HB on the SA trail is over 25 miles, take PCH up to Seal Beach hit the SG River Trail for another 30+. Out and back you're looking somewhere around a century with minimal cars.
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