What's your strangest favourite food combination?

Ok, I have alot of strange food combinations that make other people look strangely! But I love them..

Here's my current favourite:

Brocolli, Cauliflower and carrots with a satchet of powder chicken and corn soup sprinkled on top. Sounds gross but its great!

I also like plain pasta with sauce powder mixes sprinked on top.. The cheese soup mixes make the pasta taste just like chips. And the calorie count isnt too bad..

Oh, and diet lemonade heated in the microwave then with a herbal tea bag added for a bit of kick (the berry flavoured teas are the best!

Anyone else got some weird food combinations?


  • mariethai
    mariethai Posts: 85 Member
    Ok, I have alot of strange food combinations that make other people look strangely! But I love them..

    Here's my current favourite:

    Brocolli, Cauliflower and carrots with a satchet of powder chicken and corn soup sprinkled on top. Sounds gross but its great!

    I also like plain pasta with sauce powder mixes sprinked on top.. The cheese soup mixes make the pasta taste just like chips. And the calorie count isnt too bad..

    Oh, and diet lemonade heated in the microwave then with a herbal tea bag added for a bit of kick (the berry flavoured teas are the best!

    Anyone else got some weird food combinations?
  • d5d14m66
    d5d14m66 Posts: 150 Member
    Chocolate cake with dill pickles on the side
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Peanut butter and kosher dill pickle sandwich-- :tongue:
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    mac n cheese w/ mayo :indifferent:
  • LovelyLady1977
    Green olives and green grapes. The saltiness of the olives and the sweetness of the grapes...YUM! :tongue: I'm eating some now!
  • kristineh86
    caramel rice cake with apple butter!!
  • Periphria
    Periphria Posts: 358
    Chili and mashed potatoes.

    Mixed together....I know...it's crazy... but oh so good:tongue::tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    My strangest is probably fries/potatoes with tartar sauce....(Frisch's Tartar sauce..how I miss thee!!!!):grumble:
  • disobedientmeek
    toast with chilli phili, sardines and grapes [i don't eat bread anymore]

    don't knock it till u try it
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    toast with chilli phili, sardines and grapes [i don't eat bread anymore]

    don't knock it till u try it
    Ok, I think we have a winner!!!:drinker:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    chocolate chop cookies and chedder cheese
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I add cottage cheese to a lot of things, like oatmeal. (I add chocolate protein powder, Naturally More PB, and cottage cheese= yummy!) I also top my baked sweet potatoes w/ cottage cheese & cinnamon.

    That's about as strange as I get. :tongue:
  • punka274
    punka274 Posts: 895
    I always gross my DH out when I eat my Lay's potatoe chips and sip on milk...yummy! :happy:

    My DH has a weird combo too, He mixes peanut butter and pancake sryup together and speads it on a sandwich.
  • Periphria
    Periphria Posts: 358
    french fries and mayo
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I have a brother who dips oreos in his wine-- blechhh.
  • Periphria
    Periphria Posts: 358
    my Dad eats soup with ice cubes
  • LovelyLady1977
    ...He mixes peanut butter and pancake sryup together and speads it on a sandwich.

    Hey, that actually sounds quite tasty! I bet it would be yummy on waffles!
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    home made salsa
    BBQ pork rinds
    sugar free bread and butter pickles

    Yep, all in one sitting, it's good for you and very low cals and carbs
  • seegirlrun
    Ok. Others may be thinking it but I'll say it - you all are GROSS!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    ...He mixes peanut butter and pancake sryup together and speads it on a sandwich.

    Hey, that actually sounds quite tasty! I bet it would be yummy on waffles!
    I agree!:laugh: