It's been proving harder lately...

So lately I've been talking to my best friend more and more about eating disorders. She does the whole bulimic thing, and that's just not me. But lately Ive been thinking more and more that maybe I could just go anorexic. I could lose 50 pounds in one month, which would be amazing. I understand that i would gain it all back immediately, but it's still tempting. Any words of wisdom? I desperately need to keep myself from falling into that lifestyle...


  • ashleyyy
    So lately I've been talking to my best friend more and more about eating disorders. She does the whole bulimic thing, and that's just not me. But lately Ive been thinking more and more that maybe I could just go anorexic. I could lose 50 pounds in one month, which would be amazing. I understand that i would gain it all back immediately, but it's still tempting. Any words of wisdom? I desperately need to keep myself from falling into that lifestyle...
  • disobedientmeek
    I know what you are talking about I have thought about it many times
    1. Im not strong enough to just not eat - i would binge big time
    2. I hate throwing up - rotts your teeth and you get all sorts of health problems - many die [not from being skinny but from the throwing up
    3. they take laxatives - who wants to spend their whole life on the toilet? [not me]
    4. they have no tits so they look like 12 year old boys

    If you are as keen as me to lose weight why don't you add me as your friend, follow this site with me 100% [if it doesn't work then we can try something else.
    we can weigh in every week and see if its working?

  • majic
    majic Posts: 88 Member
    So lately I've been talking to my best friend more and more about eating disorders. She does the whole bulimic thing, and that's just not me. But lately Ive been thinking more and more that maybe I could just go anorexic. I could lose 50 pounds in one month, which would be amazing. I understand that i would gain it all back immediately, but it's still tempting. Any words of wisdom? I desperately need to keep myself from falling into that lifestyle...

    You are right. You would lost the weight fast but you'll be killing your body slowly in the process. I had a childhood literally starve herself to DEATH because she didn't want to eat. Being thin isn't everything. You need to be healthy.

    Just take one minute at a time. And I would suggest looking for friends that practice healthy losing techniques. If you're in a better frame of mind you will do better things.

    hugs and don't give up or give in. You're an amazing person Because you are you. And that is reason enough.
  • sugartwist01
    I was one of those girls in high school. I wanted so badly to fit in that I even tried out for the cheerleading squad, and I made it! I really did enjoy cheering but that's another conversation. I saw how thin all the other girls were, and even though I was only 125 and 5'2" I thought I was too fat. I started by throwing up a little at a time whenever I thought I had eaten too much. Little by little that grew into throwing up after every meal. 2 weeks into it I got such a sore throat whenever I even drank water and I knew about the dangers of bullimia, so I decided to just not eat. I then went from starving for one day and the next day eating a peach. I decided, hey, why not just eat a peach a day? I did that for a week and finally passed out in class infront of everyone. I came to my senses that day and decided to stop destroying my body so I could please other people and feel better about myself. Since then I had my son 7 years ago I have gained 25 pounds and am struggling to get back into shape, but healthily this time. You wanna know the ironic thing? I want to get back down to 125. It's sad that I didn't see then what a bangin' body I had then, and I'm going to do what I can in a healthy way to get there. It won't happen in a month, infact I'm looking more at 6 months, but it's something that you can work toward as well and feel accomplished at the end of it. You'll also have a routine in place by your goal weight so that you keep in shape and healthy, it's a win win situation.