
Hey all :) I was wondering if anyone on here was into running and if you have any tips for running and how to build up to long distances?


  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Bump! I am a new runner and have the same question. My ultimate goal is to run the Disney Land half marathon in September 2012. Fourteen months to get there!
  • stephinator1986
    I just started about a month ago and had the same question. After hours of research I came upon a Couch 2 5K plan and absolutely love it!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I have heard a lot of good things about the Couch to 5k plan, I used Hal Higdens training guide for beginners, it helped me get to a half marathon.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I just started about a month ago and had the same question. After hours of research I came upon a Couch 2 5K plan and absolutely love it!

    Yep, that is what I am doing also! Great Program!
  • brittanybee07
    Hey, I am an avid runner and can help you if you have any questions. Right now I am not running, due to injury. My biggest piece of advice is to listen to your body. Never increase your weekly mileage more than 10% each week to avoid injury.

    And always to remember that running is suppose to be fun! Don't push so hard you cant enjoy it anymore. =)
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I started with one mile. As the week went on, I tried to do it faster. Then slow down again the next week, and add a half mile, rinse and repeat. Last Time I ran, (Sunday), I did 5.23 miles in 47 minutes. Interval running ( walk one minute, jog one minute, sprint for 30 seconds as fast as you can) also helped me build endurance. You should also always run on the balls of your feet, lean forward and make sure your posture is good. Enjoy!!!
  • CoachsWife4
    CoachsWife4 Posts: 79 Member
    Everyone needs to check out for free! I was absolutely not a runner - this morning I ran 2 1/4 miles & walked another 2 miles. If you need slower increments I've heard there's a c210k program. BEST OF LUCK!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I have heard a lot of good things about the Couch to 5k plan, I used Hal Higdens training guide for beginners, it helped me get to a half marathon.

    Really? Is it something I can find online or do I need to look at a bookstore? I am really a newbie and feel a little lost at the thought of running that far. But I have faith that I will be able to do it. I have to start somewhere!
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    When I started running 3 year ago... I couldn't run a mile! For real.

    October 2010 I ran a marathon... So it is possible.

    Just do what feels right for you... In the beginning I would run for a certain amount of time... Started with 10 min... and kept bump it up from there. I also found something to train for. I trained for a 5k charity run... It made me proud that I accomplished a whole 5k. Plus, it was for a good cause.

    After that... I trained for a half marathon. I used Hal Higdon's running plans and swear by them... Everyone is different. I suggest finding a plan that works for you. Research different plans online... Even if you are not going to do a race/organized run it would be a good thing to follow because it helps you to increase your runs safely. Slowly increase your distances... Do not try to do too much to soon. You could injure yourself.

    Start small... and work your way up. 5k 10k 1/2 marathon... full marathon... triathlon? The sky is the limit! GOOD LUCK! Feel free to add me. :)
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I have heard a lot of good things about the Couch to 5k plan, I used Hal Higdens training guide for beginners, it helped me get to a half marathon.

    Really? Is it something I can find online or do I need to look at a bookstore? I am really a newbie and feel a little lost at the thought of running that far. But I have faith that I will be able to do it. I have to start somewhere!

    GOOGLE Hal Higdon (sp error with poster above) He has a website that is extremely helpful.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    C25K worked well for me, then I have just gradually increased my distances since then. I only started running in January and I'm training now for a 12k race (with hills!) in August.

    If you like C25K, they also have a Bridge to 10K program or you will find lots of training guides online.

    As a fellow beginner runner my best tips are:
    - get fitted for good shoes, this is critical. Even though they are expensive they are worth it.
    - don't run too fast too soon. Running slow is OK. You need to build endurance first, then you can work on speed
    - build in rest days. Give your body time to adapt to the new activity and time to heal from the extra strain you are putting on it by running, especially if you are like me and still overweight.
    - find a way to track your running. I don't have an HRM so I use Runkeeper on my iPhone which tracks how far and how fast I'm running. You can also set it up to prompt you for speed, pace or intervals.
    - most of all - enjoy!
  • Gessa007
    Gessa007 Posts: 50
    Wow thanks everyone those were all very helpful and fast reply's. I'm going to check out those websites now.
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    I started building up my miles. started running .5 mile and then walked the rest of one mile, ran .75 mile and walked the .25. ran the 1 mile and walked .25 after, ran 1.25 and walked .25.. I started about a 3 weeks ago and being consistent I can run 3.11 miles easy :)
  • PeteyRunsNow
    PeteyRunsNow Posts: 24 Member
    I started running 4 months ago by walking first and then i did walk/run intervals. You just have to start slow and the rest falls into place. At first i could barely run for 3min and now i can run 5 miles. Just take it slow and enjoy the journey.
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    The C25K is a great program and if you have an iPhone or Touch there are several apps that tell you when/what to do as well as track your progress. I don't have a Droid phone but I would safely assume there are such beasts for those phones as well out there. I have done one round of it last year and I'm about to start another one to get some solid base training going as I've had some rough motivation issues the past few months.

    I too second Hal Higdon and his training plans. I have his book as well and it's great. Do you have a running club in your town? I know here in Canada the Running Room has a Learn To Run clinic that runs several times a year as well as several distance clinics that many people I know have participated in and had success with. Myself I just started running 2:1 ratios and went from there until I got the C25K, did that and have been running since.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I love love love to run, and even though I'm not the best at it, I enjoy pushing myself and I love how I feel when I run regularly.

    My only advice is to have running shoes you can't wait to put on. I have Nike Frees that are hot pink... I always look forward to tying them on and going for a run. They're comfortable and I love the cheerful color. Also, make sure your clothes are comfortable. It's one thing to look all cute in a little running outfit but quite another if it rides up funny or has a scratchy tag or something. I run in what feels good, even if it looks ridiculous.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    One of the best tips I learned in high school cross country was to establish a rhythm to your breathing that corresponds with your footsteps.

    Breath step, two step, three step

    Breath out...four step, five step, six step (or WHATEVER pattern and rhythm you want, it doesn't matter)

    It takes some practice but soon it's completely unconscious and it really helps!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks everyone! Thank You Gessa007 for the original post and thanks to everyone elso who have offered up all the great advice!
  • adsracer
    adsracer Posts: 8
    i use Runkeeper on my iPhone and its been brilliant - have taken my time per kilometre from 7 mins 30 ish to 5 mins 30ish in 12 months, so yeah - i cant speak highly enough about it. Not a structured program as such - just a tool - but the coaching options look awesome.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    C25K worked well for me, then I have just gradually increased my distances since then. I only started running in January and I'm training now for a 12k race (with hills!) in August.

    If you like C25K, they also have a Bridge to 10K program or you will find lots of training guides online.

    As a fellow beginner runner my best tips are:
    - get fitted for good shoes, this is critical. Even though they are expensive they are worth it.
    - don't run too fast too soon. Running slow is OK. You need to build endurance first, then you can work on speed
    - build in rest days. Give your body time to adapt to the new activity and time to heal from the extra strain you are putting on it by running, especially if you are like me and still overweight.
    - find a way to track your running. I don't have an HRM so I use Runkeeper on my iPhone which tracks how far and how fast I'm running. You can also set it up to prompt you for speed, pace or intervals.
    - most of all - enjoy!

    This is excellent advice. I finished C25K in Feb 2010. I could run/jog for 30 min but not do a full 5K... I just kept adding 3 min a week until I could run 3.1 miles. Then, I trained for a 10K and achieved it 7/04/10. This motivated to train for a 1/2 and I ran the Detroit 1/2 in Oct 2010 - it took me 2 hrs and 56 min but, I finished it. I love running and don't care that others are faster than me. I know I'm faster than all the couch potatoes that are out there. I'm now training for my 3rd 1/2 :). I ran in a local 10K on July 4th - I came in 6th (because only 6 people ran it -yeah, I live in a small town!!!) 40 people did the 5K and 3000 sat home on thier duffs. If you want to run, go for it and follow the above advice. I'd add, the best advice given to me was running is mental more than physical...