night time snacking...



  • MarcieLynnPhoto
    Maybe you're not eating enough calories at dinner? Dinner for me is a pretty big meal. I can eat a smaller breakfast and lunch but when it's dinner time...HELLO! haha It's time to eat! (healthy, of course) Maybe try eating more protein at dinner? I also have to have dessert after dinner. It's like the meal is not complete until I have something sweet and yummy. If you want something sweet after dinner, try this - 1/2 of a graham cracker (I buy the organic ones from Whole Foods), peanut butter (I also get this from Whole Foods and it's the peanuts that you put in the machine and it makes peanut butter right there so there's no added salt or sugar to it), and a piece of chocolate on tip (Whole Foods Organic 70% dark chocolate). I feel like this dessert takes care of my sweet tooth and holds me over for the rest of the night! It's not too bad you for either! :)
  • Taylormeints
    Taylormeints Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Marcie, and I totally agree...a meal is not complete with out desert, especially dinner! Maybe that is my problem, I am skimping out too much at dinner. That and lack of self control....but I love the graham cracker idea :) Often I find that If i eat something super yummy like that I can't stop eating it, that is what I call my "trigger foods" like peanut butter, and cereal...which I used to completley avoid but now have in the house for my husband.
    But I think you are right, more calories and protein at supper, followed by a sensible sweet :)