I crave sugar btwn lunch and dinner EVERY DAY - HELP!!

sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
From after lunch until dinner every day I want sugar. . . any sugar. Anyone have ideas for curbing that? I have tried gum; brushing my teeth; holding off on any refined sugar until 3:00. Nothing seems to work very well. I have lots of people in my home that enjoy sweets in a healthly way, so not having them in the house is not an option.

I ate old Captin Crunch Cruch Berries to get my fix today - only thing I could find. It is just getting embarassing. . .HELP!


  • MissbusyLizzie
    MissbusyLizzie Posts: 326 Member
    Whenever I want something sweet I always eat fruit! It has healthy, natural sugars. Now I don't really crave processed sweets. Instead, I always crave fruit! Maybe try it out and see if it satisfies your craving. :)
  • botography
    botography Posts: 95 Member
    You are not alone. Anytime I give in and have something sweet it sets me up for wanting more.And that goes for foods sweetened by artificial sweeteners. I am a carb addict and when I stay away I am much better off. My dangerous time is after dinner and before bedtime.
  • jpeper1966
    jpeper1966 Posts: 79
    I know the feeling. My wife and daughters love cookies and chips and there are sugary snacks everywhere. I turn it into a double benefit. I leave the house and walk, bike, swim or kayak. I lower my calorie intake and add exercise at the same time.

    Down side is that I spend a lot of time alone :frown:
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Have you tried holding off on any sugar at all until 3? I found that if I limit my total sugar intake to the sugar in 2 ounces of OJ (to choke down morning meds) and refrain from eating ANYTHING sweet, including fruit, until 3. That might be worth trying. I've gotten to where a bowl of fiber one and some blueberries is the equivalent of a freaking cheesecake in my mind.

    also, are you really tired in the afternoons? fatigue can really affect sugar cravings. if you can slam a glass of water and lay down for 15 minutes, that might help, too.
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Try eating cinnamon! Sometimes those cravings come from insulin spikes and cinnamon helps keep the insulin at an even level. Also, a carbohydrate rich lunch could cause insulin spikes and cause you to crave sweet.

    Until you have it figured out, get yourself some good healthy sweets like strawberries and blueberries.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I like the cinnamon idea.

    Otherwise, search the net for various healthy non-sugary recipes. I quite often cook protein brownies, banana bread, cheesecakes etc. that taste awesome, satisfy any sweet tooth and fit into my nutritional plan. Plus you get to lick the beaters when you're baking :happy:
  • :flowerforyou: you are not alone my friend!!!! ......best to you on not craving****
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    stop..its as simple as that.

    its like quitting anything..smoking etc..you've got to just stop..after a while it gets easier
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    That happens to me at the same time every day too. What I do to calm my craving is drink coffee with sugar free coffee mate and stevia. It's not the healthiest option, but it calms my craving almost instantly.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    stop..its as simple as that.

    its like quitting anything..smoking etc..you've got to just stop..after a while it gets easier

    Hilarious! Love your honesty!
  • When I cook my veggies in a pan I sprinkle them with a dusting of brown sugar at the very end. Sweet and healthy. Try it. I also LOVE Emerald's cocoa dusted almonds!!! I buy them in the 100 calorie packs.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Here's one I didn't believe until I tried it. I learned this right here on MFP. Take a drop or two of grapefruit essential oils and put it in the palm of your hand. Rub your palms together to warm the oil then breathe in the aroma deeply until your craving passes. I was skeptical but it works for me. I get the oil at Whole Foods.

    btw, your hands do not get oily from it either.
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    I feel ya...cereal bars, maybe?
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    Hey thanks to everyone! It is good to know I am not alone. I will give these ideas a try. I will update this string to let you all know how they work. I know I just have to find what works for me.
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    I'd like to try this. Would you be willing to share a couple of your receipes? I'd like to try the protien brownies.
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    I'd like to try this. Would you be willing to share your brownie receipe?
    I like the cinnamon idea.

    Otherwise, search the net for various healthy non-sugary recipes. I quite often cook protein brownies, banana bread, cheesecakes etc. that taste awesome, satisfy any sweet tooth and fit into my nutritional plan. Plus you get to lick the beaters when you're baking :happy:
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    Fruit!!!! Perhaps drizzle strawberries with a little bit of chocolate syrup. YUM!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I eat fruit and chug down some water when I get sweet and sugary cravings
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My office is always LOADED with candy and I used to have a fun sized candy bar or two every afternoon. I would crave sugar like clockwork every single day after lunch. Once I cut that candy out, the craving went away after a couple days and I never even think about sugar during the day. For me, foods with added sugars are a slippery slope. Once I start eating them for a couple days in a row, my body just wants more and more. Once I get it out of my system, I am fine and no longer crave it. It's like a drug!
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    I am going to stick to fruit <and water> for the rest of the week and see how that feels. Let's see is I can get it out of my system. One question - do you eliminate completely or only during the day. I know - I am weak. - but had to ask. I can generally be very reasonable in the evenings.
    My office is always LOADED with candy and I used to have a fun sized candy bar or two every afternoon. I would crave sugar like clockwork every single day after lunch. Once I cut that candy out, the craving went away after a couple days and I never even think about sugar during the day. For me, foods with added sugars are a slippery slope. Once I start eating them for a couple days in a row, my body just wants more and more. Once I get it out of my system, I am fine and no longer crave it. It's like a drug!