Emotional Eating

Ugh, I struggle with this. I have been going through personal/marital issues for a while now. I am in counseling, both individual and couples, to address it all.

Hubby goes to bed early to get up early for work. After caring for kiddos all day, I like to enjoy some solitude while the house is quiet. But that's when the munchies attack, especially if I've had a difficult day.

I am really PO'd at DH right now and all I want to do is go have some of those Oreos upstairs.



  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I love you for writing this.
  • lacalzada
    lacalzada Posts: 2 Member
    I am an emotional eater too. I can do well all day, but once it's evening time I find it hard to control my eating. I recently regained weight. Between March and june I gained 30 pounds. It took me 3 months to realize I was eating to deal with several losses that I had in my family over the last year. (March was the one year anniversry of my dad's passing). I am trying to find better habits to replace the eating. For now, I have stopped gaining and am hoping to go back to losing.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Throw the Oreos away. Get all the junk food out of your house. It's not worth it. You have to get rid of the temptation. Having it in your house is the WORST idea.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    I also love you for writing this.

    The Oreos are going to make you feel worse, and after a full, challenging day of caring for children, you deserve to feel good. Take a shower, make a cup of tea, step outside and take a deep breath. Reaffirm your committment to healing yourself.

    You deserve to feel good. "I deserve to feel good." And then do it.

    Be strong!
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Throw the Oreos away. Get all the junk food out of your house. It's not worth it. You have to get rid of the temptation. Having it in your house is the WORST idea.

    I agree!
    Eat when you're hungry and not for any other reason. If you really must snack something try some raw carrots or a piece of fruit.

    Food doesn't provide comfort for as much as you think it does, its all in your mind, change your mind and you've changed yourself.

    Good luck and be strong.
  • devteach1
    devteach1 Posts: 26
    You are a very strong woman for writing this!! I hear ya! I have two small children...and don't express myself to the best of my ability. Therefore, like you... I eat. I trying not too.. I really tried almonds for the first time today. It was the crunch that I needed. And it help slow me down. and think! But you are not the only one out there girl.. we all have problems....with ourselves an marriages. Hang in there... you can do it!!
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    I can actually feel myself craving food when Im upset and know whats going on! It doesnt make me want it any less but now I say..'there you are! think about this, you know whats happening, youre angry with...' sometimes I cave, sometimes I dont. Good luck (with EVERYTHING!).
  • mommachef
    mommachef Posts: 52
    Thanks everyone!

    Instead of eating, I am working on a photobook of our vacation and enjoying the happy memories. Then I'm going to watch some Netflix while I fold laundry.

    I made the mistake of having some coffee late tonight, so I am wired, too, which doesn't help!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I always feel so bad for people who are driven to eat when feeling emotional. I've always been the opposite...stress and hurt make the thought of food simply sickening to me.

    I feel for you hun, but you've received some good advice here...you'll be fine.